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Squarespace Vs. WordPress SEO: Create A SEO-friendly Website

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Are you looking to create an efficient Squarespace or WordPress website, or to enhance an existing site? Learn more as we dispel misconceptions, and give strategies that will get you more hits!

Nobody builds websites to make money off of it. They do it so that others will be able to be able to see it. The most important thing to consider is how can you make your website easier to locate? Through good SEO of course.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) basically means that you design your website using search engines, like Google and Bing in mind. With a good SEO, your website is more likely to be highly ranked in search engine results.

Let’s take an illustration. It is possible to sell the top Ice Cream on the market in New York, but simply having websites won’t be enough to attract people who love ice cream and you’ll need to optimize it.

Many factors can impact your website’s SEO . Google alone is home to over 200 rank factors . If you are patient enough to do the small things correct, your website will be able to rise to the top and become the first link Google gives to users who are searching for “best Ice cream on the market in New York”.

There’s a widespread myth that website builders like Squarespace aren’t great for SEO. We’re here to tell you that they’re both Squarespace along with WordPress are fantastic in SEO… provided they are utilized correctly.

Of course it isn’t easy to know where to begin with everything can be a challenge. This review will help you. We’ve been investigating and testing websites creating platforms for a long time and pride ourselves as the best in this area.

In this article, we’ll examine Squarespace SEO vs. WordPress SEO and then go through the main differences. In the end you’ll know which one is more suitable for SEO and the best way to improve your site on both platforms.

More Information

3 Top Website Builders for SEO Learn which ones can aid you in ranking the best.

10 Top Web Builders Check out our rankings and see who’s on top of the charts.

Comparative Chart for Website Builders Are you looking to design a site? You can easily check out everything here.

  1. How do you define SEO?

SEO is a term used to describe Search Engine Optimization. It’s the thing that makes your website visible in the crowd of other sites that are out there. Keywords within meta title tags, using images with tags and making your website mobile-friendly all play a role in determining how far in the Google page you’re on.

If all of that seems like gibberish Don’t fret. In this article, we’ll explain the most frequently used SEO-related terms mean, and then tell you why they’re crucial.


Many people know the meaning of a heading however, on a website there are kinds. There is the option of having the general title of a website and also numerous headings that can help to break up the pages.

Headings on lower levels of your website pages can also be helpful because they allow search engines to comprehend the content. In this particular article, for instance each section begins with a subheading – such as ‘What is SEO What is SEO?’ (a H2) – and then smaller sub headings throughout , such as “Headings” (H3s).

Custom URLs

A URL for a website is what differentiates one website from another one on the internet. The more precise your URLs appear, easier search engines will be able to comprehend the structure of your website.

Take a blog post about the latest fashion trends for spring/summer – the default URL for that page may be ‘’. It sounds like untruth to us, and even Google! Instead, you should edit the URL yourself to something like ‘’.

Image Alt Tags

It’s not difficult for me or you to think of what the picture shows however, search engines could need a bit of assistance. The addition of tags to images can help search engines understand what the photo is. It makes it easier for them to browse your website and determine if the content is relevant to the topic that people are searching for.

Title Tags

Also called meta titles The title tags are displayed on search outcomes (below). Meta titles can differ from the title of your page’s actual web page, however it should reflect what the page’s content is.

You can include keywords in title tags to assist search engines, too. As you can see, we’ve put “Squarespace” “SEO,” and “Review on our title tags which help Google connect the page with people searching for those keywords.

Meta Descriptions

A meta description is the content that is under the tag that is called title. This is your opportunity to explain to people what they are getting from your website when they click it.

Meta descriptions must also contain relevant keywords, and offer an informative overview of the page – something akin to the blurb on books. Take care, though, that meta descriptions should not exceed 150-160 characters in length, otherwise search engines can cut the paragraph down.


The sitemap provides a summary of the URLs of your website. It aids in telling Google about the layout of your website it will save them from hours of exploring and searching through every page and path.

After the search engines such as Google and Bing have a better understanding of how your website is constructed, they will be able to begin redirecting users to relevant pages more effectively.

Mobile Receptivity

In the year 2000, 52% of all searches on the internet were conducted using phones. It’s now more crucial than ever to ensure that your site adapts to various screens. Certain platforms allow you to edit your site by hand, while others automatically adapt your website for the tablet, mobile, and desktop dimensions.

SSL Encryption

SSL means Secure Sockets Layer. This means that users will be aware that your site is safe to visit. You can determine whether a website is secured with been granted an SSL certificate by checking whether it is sporting an icon of a padlock that appears before the URL.

Search engines favour websites with SSL security because they are secure sites for people to connect to. Cyber security is an ongoing danger, therefore making sure that your customers’ data is secure is a top concern.

SEO Tips

Links Learn more about how getting backlinks can improve the SEO of your site.

Anchor Text – Learn about anchor text and the impact it has on

Web Architecture What is the definition of website architecture and what is the significance of it?

  1. SEO Features

Before we go into which platform offers which feature, let’s first define the differences in Squarespace as well as WordPress.

Squarespace can be described as a site builder. It has a range of templates to choose from and uses an editor that is section-based and drag-and-drop that lets you build your own site without knowing a single line of code.

WordPress is self-hosted CMS (Content Management System). This means that once you’ve built your site, you’ll have to pay for things such as hosting, domain registration and security on your own. WordPress is typically an advanced platform and learning how to code can make a difference.

Now that the confusion is gone Let’s look at the major SEO distinctions in Squarespace as well as WordPress.

SEO The Feature Squarespace WordPress

The winner is WordPress

H1s and H3s are available H1s and H6s available
Custom URLs

Winner: Tie

All-inclusive site-wide Accessible across the entire site
Image Alt Tags

The winner is WordPress

Just a caption for the image Accessible across the entire site
Title Tags

The winner is WordPress

Only accessible only on the main pages (i.e. blogs are not available) All-inclusive site-wide
Meta Descriptions

Finalist: WordPress

Only accessible only on principal pages (i.e. the blog page is not included.) All-inclusive site-wide

Winner: Squarespace

All plans are available. Only available on the Business plan or above (via Yoast plugin)
Mobile Response

Winner: Squarespace

Automatically responds It is possible to make it responsive manually
SSL Encryption

Winner: Squarespace

All plans are available. It can be purchased separately

Squarespace is a one-stop solution with its advantages and disadvantages. After you’ve signed up for the Squarespace program, it don’t need to purchase any additional services, which means that everything you see is utilized at no cost.

The downside is there’s no other reason to do it. Squarespace doesn’t offer an app marketplace where you can purchase the right to put additional SEO tools, which means that naturally it’s somewhat small. However, Squarespace still has everything you require in terms of SEO to create a site capable of ranking well.

WordPress is not the same as. There is no obligation to pay any fees even if you don’t wish to, however the SEO options are somewhat basic. When you make the upgrade WordPress business plan ($25/month) Then you’ll be able start installing advanced SEO-related plugins.

They are plugins created by web developers to enhance the performance of your site. By using an WordPress plugin such as Yoast SEO will give you all the features you require to get the top position in the search results of Google.

Squarespace vs WordPress SEO – Features: Verdict

It’s a competitive contest dependent on the budget you have the overall winner will be dependent on your budget. Squarespace is the best choice for those who are using basic websites as it comes with everything you require built-in. WordPress has the edge, however it has plugins that give you the SEO capabilities you require..

  1. Monitoring Performance

It’s great changing your website in the hopes that search engines notice your efforts and boost your rankings. How are you going to determine if what you’re doing has the appropriate impact?

With Squarespace it is possible to choose between two options: either make use of the Analytics suite built into the site or connect to Google Analytics.

Squarespace’s own analytics let you monitor the volume of traffic that comes to your website and from the location that this traffic originates from. This is a great method to determine if your SEO efforts are paying off by gaining more traffic.

You may also look up relevant keywords that are related to your site. In no way do I need to reiterate, it is important to know what keywords to focus on before you even begin!

WordPress does not have an integrated performance monitor, however the process of connecting with Google Analytics is pretty simple.

As you could see, Google Analytics gives you greater depth of information than websites developers. You can also receive live updates on the number of visitors who are visiting your site right now.

It is also possible to note about the time and place you made changes and then evaluate different web pages’ performance prior to and after.

Although WordPress may not offer access to Google Analytics You can however install a plugin for free called Yoast. It is an SEO-related tool which can provide you with more control over your website’s SEO performance.


Squarespace vs WordPress SEO – Monitoring Performance: Verdict

It’s crucial to remember the fact that Google Analytics gives you a more comprehensive view over Squarespace Analytics, Squarespace lets you choose between the two. This is why, by offering the choice in addition to the fact you can track SEO without the need to add everything the Squarespace is the winner in this contest.

  1. Cost

A majority of people believe that creating an optimized website costs the equivalent of a pound and a half and a leg, but it doesn’t have to cost that much.

Other web builders might offer lower pricing plans However, with Squarespace you’re paying for high-quality. Squarespace offers four basic pricing plans: two with the option of e-commerce and two with. Prices range from $12- $40 per month.

Naturally, the non-ecommerce plans are cheaper but still provide access to all of the tools and designs. One of these is the SEO tools that we’ve previously discussed. Simply put, Squarespace’s SEO features are the same regardless of no matter if you’re on the least expensive or the most pricey plan.

If you’re uncertain about something it’s possible to take advantage of Squarespace’s 14-day trial to see whether it’s suitable for you.

With WordPress the latest SEO tools will cost you. It offers a free service, however since it’s a self-hosted website it will cost you out for security and hosting It’s not cheap!

WordPress is the most popular SEO-related plugin Yoast it can be used at no cost. The problem is that some of the features, such as internal link suggestions and 24 hour support – won’t be available until upgrading to Yoast Premium, which costs $89 per site.

If you’re committed to SEO on WordPress It’s not just that you require the Business plan for $25 per month Additionally, you’ll need to purchase Yoast Premium, hosting, the domain name as well as the SSL certificate. You’ll be amazed at how quickly things can get expensive! [vc_column_text]

Squarespace vs WordPress SEO – Cost: Verdict is the obvious choice for keeping costs down. With everything including SEO tools included the plan, you only pay for the cost for the service (between $15 and $40/month). With WordPress all of the features – including SEO – comes with an additional cost that increases rapidly.


More Information

10 Top Web Builders for Free Need to put an online presence at a low cost? Do not look any further.

Squarespace Price Review Join us as we dive more deeply into what plans Squarespace provides.

  1. Other factors that affect SEO

In our introduction Google offers over 200 factors to rank your site. Therefore, you cannot ensure that if your improve your website, you’re going to be the top result in the search results you’re targeting.

It’s like preparing for the Olympics It’s like putting in the necessary diet and training but there’s no guarantee that you’ll end up with gold on your head.

We’re not in a position to go through every aspect that plays on your website’s SEO However, here are two things people tend to ignore.


Each website will have what’s called Domain Authority (DA). The more reliable your site is, the more reputable it’s DA can be. A sure-fire method to boost DA is to find other highly-respected websites to link to your site when they refer to something.

For instance, we’re the leading authority for how to become online, and when other websites write articles about this, they could refer to us as the source from which they got the information they needed from. This gives readers confidence that their information is reliable and improves our SEO. This is a win-win!

Social Signals

It’s important to take into consideration the opinions of the public. Google can only assess only so much before they require our assistance. The inclusion of social buttons on your website so that users can follow or like your content is an excellent method to show Google that the content you’re throwing on the web is both useful and well-known.

Optimized Content

It might sound evident however you’ll be amazed by how many people ignore this. It’s possible to optimize your website however you want however, what’s most important is the content. The content you write must contain the keywords you intend to focus on (don’t put them all into your content, however – Google isn’t happy about this!)

It is also important to take the time to think whether the content is addressing the issues I’d like it to address?’ It could be answering a question or showcasing an item, or providing suggestions. Whatever it is the content should be helping people who search for it.

  1. Squarespace Vs. WordPress SEO: The Conclusion

We hope that this article has demonstrated to you that in the world of SEO it’s not about the website you’re using – it’s the way you choose to use it!

It is possible to create optimized websites using the two platforms, Squarespace and WordPress however the decision to which is superior depends on the features you’re trying to find. In case you’re wondering this table, we’ll go over the main differences and which one is more suitable for each of the following areas:

SEO area Squarespace WordPress

The winner is WordPress

All the basic SEO features are available however some of them can only be applied to specific web pages. There are no SEO tools built-in, but it includes a variety of plugins that provide access to SEO tools that are advanced.
Monitoring Performance

Winner: Squarespace

Analytics built-in and the ability to connect to Google Analytics. Analytics are not built-in, but Google Analytics can be connected.

Winner: Squarespace

SEO tools are included for all plans beginning at just $12/month. SEO tools and premium plugins are only are available for the Business plan and higher for $29.95 per month.

The SEO features of Squarespace are better for people who aren’t as tech-savvy in the world who do not have hundreds of dollars to spend. It comes with all the SEO tools inbuilt and won’t cost an arm and a leg to optimize.

WordPress is the best choice for more advanced fully optimized website… If you’re able to afford it. There are no SEO tools built-in however, and you’ll need be on at least its business package ($25/month) in order to are able to gain access to advanced features.

Squarespace as well as WordPress aren’t the only ones that you can choose from in all likelihood there are many others with amazing SEO features also. Wix and Weebly, for instance, both have similar tools as Squarespace and WordPress, as well as an application market that lets you spend a bit more to get SEO enhancements.

We’d say that you’re capable of being highly ranked by using an Squarespace website. If you build the right base, it won’t be long before your site becomes an SEO towering structure amid bungalows.

More Information

WordPress and Squarespace – Take an in-depth review of both platforms in this overall review.

  1. Squarespace is vs. WordPress SEO FAQs

Which is better for small-scale companies: Squarespace or WordPress’ SEO?

The answer to this question is determined by your budget and the industry you work in. Squarespace is ideal for creative fields such as graphic design and photography. It’s also cheaper to create a site that is optimized using. WordPress is great for advanced SEO, however, you’ll need to spend.

Aren’t there two WordPress platforms?

There is a difference between as well as is more of a blogging site, however, is a full-featured CMS utilized by developers. We’ve talked primarily regarding in this piece however, If you’d like to learn more details about take a look at the review we wrote here.

What’s the most important factor to do for SEO?

There’s not a single aspect of SEO that’s more significant than the other. The main aspects to keep in mind include focusing on the appropriate keywords, creating excellent Meta titles and description and having a mobile-friendly website that loads quickly. speeds.

Did you find our comparison useful?

Did this guide help you determine what Squarespace and WordPress SEO is the best choice for you? If yes (or in the event that it isn’t! ) Please leave an answer below.

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