Ecommerce Website Builders

Astonishingly Website Builder Review 2021

Our research-based projects, which are independently conducted, as well as impartial reviews are financed partially through affiliate commissions, and without additional cost to our readers.

Do you want to design an online presence but do not have any experience in the field? There’s a lot of people like you!

The positive side is that the world of web design is evolving. We believe that anyone can build their own website and we do the people who create them..

Strikingly was established by the company in 2012. It has devoted its services to opening the internet to all regardless of their abilities or technical expertise. The company’s goal is to get your website up and running cheaply and quick which is perfect for small and personal websites for businesses.

We’ve tried strikingly and we’ve had others just like you utilize it as well. This review will show you everything you should be aware of, and much more! Before we get started, let’s examine the pros and pros and…

Pros and Cons that are strikingly attractive

Prostrisingly Pros
#1 Fantastic value for the money
#2 Fantastic customer service
#3 Perfect for blogs.
#4 The HTML0 is one of the most affordable builders to offer through
#5 Templates can be reformatted simple


Astonishingly Con
#1 Ecommerce is not a thing.
#2 poor tools for scaling an enterprise
#3 can only be used to create one-page websites
#4 The editing and aesthetics of HTML0 are not available.
#5 Unusable template


Strikingly is a basic site builder that comes with a selection of templates and attractive basic designs. It’s designed for complete novices, and although it’s not able to rival the more advanced brands like Wix or Weebly however, it has certain characteristics that make it the best option for you.

It’s certainly not the biggest or most popular However, it is a great service that takes care of its clients with excellent customer support and reasonable costs. The templates are sleek design, but they lack creativity control, which puts speed ahead of complicated editing.

If you’re seeking a simple style with basic functions Strikingly might be the right choice perfect for you!

The company’s ethos is apparent in this quote by CEO David Haisha Chen:

“Strikingly is incredibly fast and simple. In just 15 minutes, from beginning to finish, you’ll make something gorgeous and useful. There’s no learning curve as we do all of the work. Our focus is on average users of the internet who’ve never had the opportunity to build websites before.”

It’s an excellent philosophy however, what is it really about in the real world? What is the user-friendliness of is it? the way to go? What are the price plans? Who would it be the ideal option for? Let’s see!

How Simple is Strikingly Easy to use?

The ease of use is essential when selecting a builder for your website, especially if you’re an absolute beginner. You’re looking for something that you can effectively use – and even more important, actually like using, and that will also look fantastic on your website.

You can’t get your driver’s license and then rush off to buy the prettiest car you can find but then find out that you aren’t able to purchase it on the road. (We do hope, at least)!

So, how can we tell if a web builder is user-friendly or not? We do it by testing them. we test these first! We ask people who are like you to test their hand at them and find out how they feel about it. With notes, scores and actual experience, we can really understand how simple every website builder is!

What did Strikingly accomplish this?

Despite its emphasis on simplicity, clarity and accessibility the scores of Strikingly were average when we evaluated their ease of use. This is a surprise considering their primary focus is on the beginner. Our research showed that most users were looking for a more user-friendly system and more control over their website.

The templates are appealing and clean designs, however, the actual usability was not as good in terms of branding, design and the user experience.

While this may not be a good first impression, it’s important to note that this isn’t entirely bad. In fact, they’ve attempted to make their templates too simple and focused on how quickly you can get your website up and running. this is where they fail.

Let me explain. The templates are laid ready for your use, using texts and images that you can edit. This is fairly simple. The majority of users were able to edit and write text, and also embedding features like a map or contact form.

If you’re trying to truly personalize your website and begin pushing the boundaries that the templates allow, then you’ll get stuck. It’s the difference between the convenience of having a builder for your website perform a lot of tasks to do for you and disappointment being deprived of that artistic freedom.

It’s important to note that not everyone needs total creative control. You can customize your website with the template, without a lot of effort or (even the slightest amount of) cash.

It’s possible to have a website up quickly and do the basics, without giving you to suffer for months. It’s not going to be something huge or fancy but it’ll do the job quickly and efficiently.

This is a great option for those who are just beginning their journey and need a professional-looking website without the hassle of redesigning or changing your format. This is what one of our testers had to say about Strikingly:

“It was simple to use and the design were elegant, chic and simple.”

These templates are simple to play with. They are also fully mobile-responsive, making your life a lot easier. You can change templates as often as you want and it will then automatically modify everything automatically. (Rather instead of resetting the entire site like other web builders).

So Strikingly has some distinct results in this case. Let’s take a look.

Its user-friendliness is fairly average but the limitations on these templates could be difficult to work with. On the other hand , it does the majority of the work and makes basic edits very simple. So if you’re new to the web and are looking to set up a basic site quickly and that is formatted to your specifications, Strikingly will be able to do the job.

If you’re uncertain about which option is the best choice for you, then why not go through our chart of comparison or the free test that will help select?

Who is the most strikingly best for?


One of the strengths of Strikingly is its blogging capabilities. It includes everything you’ll need to start your blog with analytics, RSS feeds social bookmarking, a comment section, search function, and also display categories.

All you need simply select “Add New Section” in the menu on the left, then select “Simple blog” and voila! You’re all set to begin writing. It’s available on the free version and is a nice benefit!

“Simple blog “Simple Blog” is basically what it states on the label. It’s certainly not the best blogging platform, but it does have the features and tools to establish an easy but functional blog.

If you’re starting your own blog and would like to begin with a simple design then this is the best option. You can remain on the free version for as long as you’d like or you can upgrade to one of their price plans with tiered pricing to gain additional features.

If you’re dedicated to blogging, then go through our list of most popular blogging platforms to find out more.


If you’re a business, you’ll need distinct requirements from a site builder, such as blogging or your personal website. You may have suspected, Strikingly is not the ideal choice for a growing or large-scale company.

However, if you’re freelancer seeking to promote your business, or an small-scale business looking to establish online, then Strikingly is the right choice, especially when you’re working on a limited budget and need something online quickly.


The e-commerce feature allows you to purchase and sell items online. Strikingly comes with an “Simple Store” feature that you can integrate into your website. With the free plan, you’re only able to add one item (with unlimited inventory) and you’ll have upgrade in order to add additional items.

There are several upgrade options. The basic version offers five products that you can sell on your website. The number increases to 300 items on the Pro plan and 500 items in the premium plan. Our study showed that Strikingly is among the most affordable website builders that it is possible to sell your products through.

No matter what plan you’re using It’s simple to incorporate the option of selling products online. although it’s not perfect but it’s nice to have the possibility. It’s best to think of it as an added-on option, not the sole reason for the website.

If your business is exclusively or mostly on selling goods, you might want to consider some of the more e-commerce-focused websites. There are also other web builders with more extensive e-commerce features included (such like Wix) or websites for e-commerce, such as BigCommerce or Shopify. or BigCommerce..


The templates Strikingly provides are generally visually appealing and elegant that feature large and high-quality images. With additional add-ons such as gallery and the large section for media, Strikingly is suitable for small collection of portfolios or personal website.

The Strikingly aesthetics are clean and chic, however, the limitations of the template limit how imaginative you can be when displaying your portfolio on the website.

If you’re looking for an online presence that is fast and for a good price and creativity isn’t your top priority, then Strikingly is the right choice.


As we’ve mentioned before when you’re creating your own portfolio or website for your small-scale company, Strikingly will definitely get you up and running and help expand your online presence.

Another benefit is the excellent price for the value that Strikingly provides and will surely assist you when you’re sticking to a budget or launching your website out of your budget.

However, Strikingly isn’t ideal for large websites or e-commerce companies.

Your site needs to grow with your business’s expands. It is possible that you will want more flexibility for your website or a more robust e-commerce feature and even more complicated page structure. For the sake of being completely upfront, Strikingly just doesn’t have the right tools to grow an enterprise.

If you’re not sure of the most effective website builder for your business, look over our chart of comparisons for an excellent overview of our top options.

Strikingly’s Tools

Help and Help and

Support and assistance is among Strikingly’s most important areas.

It’s a great knowledge base. Its articles usually include images and videos, and you’re sure to get the information quickly and easily.

If you require additional assistance, live chat assistance is readily available in the event that you encounter difficulties. The Happiness Officers are always available to assist you in any way.

There’s also an idea forum , where you can submit ways to improve Strikingly and even vote on suggestions from other users. If you are having a particular issue or wish to create an issue, you can contact them directly.

Social Media Integration

Today, social media is like oxygen . It appears that everyone, but particularly businesses, require it in order to survive and grow.

The Strikingly website has a feed for social media. section where you can include a hyperlink to social accounts. Your visitors will be able to follow your posts.

Certain features aren’t accessible in your free plan, such as the ability to import posts from Facebook’s page instead of your own timeline (you need to subscribe to the Pro plan to gain access to this). On the Pro plan, you can integrate the live chat feature to Facebook Messenger.

You can opt to link your website with the accounts of your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts, so that your most recent posts will be displayed on your website. It’s not the most elegant or user-friendly social feed however it works. It checks your feed for posts that are updated every five minutes.


Similar to many website developers, Strikingly has an in-built analytics feature that lets you determine how many people have visited your website.

It also includes the countries they’ve visited from and when they came to your website as well as whether they’ve visited from desktop or mobile. It is possible to view these statistics across different timeframes such as the in the past 24 hours; the last seven days and last 30 days and the last 90 days.

The default analytics feature is the only that is available on Strikingly it gives you an overview of the traffic on your site. If you’re looking for the most comprehensive and thorough analysis of your website, Strikingly suggests using Google Analytics and provides instructions for installing this within their help center.

SEO & Marketing

If you’re determined to bring as many people to visit your website as you possibly can, then you may want to test your luck in water with Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It’s not as terrifying in the way it might sound, we guarantee!

In essence, there are a few ways to communicate to Google as well as other engines about what your site’s content is and what it can be for people. Imagine placing signs on your site that point users in the right direction!

If your website is a cooking blog, for instance, adding the appropriate signs will tell Google not to display your website to anyone looking for double-glazing. It also allows people looking for blogs on cooking to understand that your blog is the best choice.

It’s a completely new world for most people, but don’t be worried. Strikingly makes it simple and provides a checklist of SEO for you to adhere to.

When it comes to marketing, Strikingly isn’t as effective as compared to other builders of websites. Its sole email marketing tool is only available to Pro users. This requires embedding an external service known as MailChimp on your website.

You can incorporate various form and pages for contact on your website to stay contact with your customers and customers. All of these are included in Strikingly’s free edition. These are essentially options, so the choice of whether to select Strikingly or not depends on how important marketing is to your site.


Domains are just in the title!

You can purchase an HTML0 domain on any of the plans offered by Strikingly including with the free option! This is great because it allows you to get your domain name for free and then upgrade to a paid plan when you’re at the point of. After you’ve upgraded to the Pro or Limited plan You can connect your domain to your site.

In addition You can also sign up your domain to run it for at least 10 years So whether you’d like to secure it for the long term or renew it more frequently, Strikingly has got you covered.

Strikingly provides a variety of Top-Level Domains (TLDs). They are domains that end in extensions like .boutique or .shop and provide you with an unique URL to distinguish yourself from other websites.

These top Level Domains are more expensive however, you typically pay $24.95 per yearfor ordinary domains such as .com, .net, or .org.

It is a simple process to connect this domain automatically to your website Privacy for domains is provided when you sign up in addition. There are guides for you in the knowledge base that will help you register domains and connect them.

When you own an existing domain, you may move it over to Strikingly by transferring from another registry. This makes it simple to manage your domains and websites all from one location.

If you do not want the custom domain or do not want to upgrade to get one, you can customize your site’s URL with the free version, but without having to remove all Strikingly branding. For example you could have


The Strikingly plugin allows Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) on any custom domain which allows visitors to connect to your website via Hyper the Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS).

I’m not sure what that means? It’s actually quite easy! When someone visits your website and connects to your site, the connection between them and you is secured. This provides your visitors with confidence as well as boosts your rank on Google!

This will be automatically set up for you for any custom domain (so you need to be either on one of the Limited and Pro Plan). It doesn’t matter if purchased the domain with Strikingly or transferred it from another.

Backups & Restores

If you’re editing your website, Strikingly automatically saves your changes for you. This is very beneficial!

There’s no backup option, however it’s worth creating an image of your site to be prepared. It’s as easy as accessing your dashboard, then clicking on” more options,” then selecting the “more alternatives” menu, and then choosing “clone”.

This creates the unpublished version of your website. It doesn’t automatically sync every time you make changes , so it’s a good idea to create a fresh copy each time to keep it up-to current.

Strikingly’s Pricing and Value for money


We’ve talked about several times that Strikingly is a great value for the money. What exactly do you need to shell out and what exactly do you get in exchange for the plan you choose?

Strikingly offers a free plan that is completely free for life. What do this offer you? It’s unlimited free websites and domains that end in “” 5GB of daily bandwidth per site, one item for each site on the Simple Store, and 24/7 helpline. It’s not so bad!

However, if you’re looking to get an enlightened or professional website It’s worth checking out the three price plans They also have a variety of plans available.

The prices listed below are for the annual billing plans that allow users to use the domain free of charge. There’s also the monthly plan (this doesn’t include the VIP tier , or the domain for free) and two-year plans that bills you annually for 2 years (and comes with the same features as the annual billing plan).

The Free plan is Free for the rest of your life! Simple features such as the store, blog images, gallery social feed, contact page, and more makes this a fantastic starting point to explore and increase your confidence. Support 24/7 and unlimited free websites add to the value.

Limited: For $8 per month you can avail the benefits of a domain for free and an increase to five items in your basic store, as well as 50GB of monthly bandwidth. You can create two Limited websites and connect your personal website to your Strikingly website.

Professional: $16 per month gives you more than double the features offered by limited plans. Limited plan. While you enjoy the benefits of a free domain as well as unlimited free websites and sites, you can also enjoy unlimited free sites. Pro plan also comes with an unlimited amount of bandwidth and 300 items in your store and three Pro websites. It also comes with a variety of additional benefits including the ability to create several pages as well as mobile action buttons, and taking Strikingly’s branding off your website.

VIP at $49 per month, this is the most expensive plan, offering everything you get from the Pro plan, including five Pro websites, 500 items on the site as well as priority customer support and the ability to manage your account.

Strikingly offers a lower average cost across their plans than the other building companies. In addition, with the wide range of options available as well as the benefits of a domain free for all time you’re using Strikingly and this is a an excellent value in terms of value.

In our studies, it was found as the most value-for-money and is ideal for those who want to begin your web-building journey with a minimal risk to your finances. The 14-day trial period for each plan are ideal for trying out the options that work for you without having to make a long-term commitment.

The Strikingly Website Builder Review – Summary

Intriguingly has many different advantages and disadvantages. So let’s review it to help you clear your mind about which website builder to use.

Its emphasis on the beginner is a sign that it’s user-friendly. You don’t have to worry about coding hosting, web design, hosting and all the rest. Choose the template you want to use and then edit it according to your preferences.

However, even though it is quite simple it’s not always effortless and simple to use. Sometimes, you might be in need of assistance. Fortunately, Strikingly has brilliant customer assistance, so you don’t have to be on your own!

Strikingly’s goal is to get you online fast. quickly. If you are looking of speed over style or artistic flexibility, and you just want an uncluttered website that is simple and sleek in its style, then Strikingly could be an excellent choice!

In the end, if you’re putting up a blog, personal site or a small business and you want a clear and simple template to follow so that you can set up your site up and running cheaply and quickly, Strikingly is an excellent option. It’s not as good as the top brands in the market who claim to be the top of the best, but its variety of features and the value it offers make it the most popular among the others. With its no-cost plan and 14-day no-cost trials, it’s worth checking out what you can do with it… You don’t know when you’ll be surprised!

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