Ecommerce Website Builders

Weebly against GoDaddy: Do We Really Need Speed?

Our research-based projects that are independent and honest reviews are financed partially by affiliate commissions without expense to readers.

We’ll help decide among Weebly as well as GoDaddy by providing all the essential information as well as figures and features that you require to be able to make an informed choice.

Weebly is one of the most simple platforms to use offering a simple drag-and-drop interface and a plethora of beneficial applications and functions. It is also the most affordable option, and even comes with a no-cost plan.

In the simplest terms, Weebly is cost effective without cutting quality. This could provide you with an understanding of the reason It’s the building platform of choice for over 50 million websites currently.

At Website Builder Expert we understand that you might not have the time draggin, dropping, or shopping. This is the reason GoDaddy is able to help.

GoDaddy is the quickest method of building a website with its ADI (Artificial Design Intelligence) to build a website within a matter of minutes. Simply answer a few simple questions and you’ll be able to create an online site that’s ready to go live.

Weebly Vs GoDaddy is shaping up to be an exciting game isn’t it? We’ve merged the results of our tests with users along with our extensive knowledge and helped us identify the most precise results in every one of the areas.

Without further delay Let’s begin…

Weebly against GoDaddy Pros and Cons

Weebly Pros Weebly Cons
Themes are well-designed and user-friendly. Customization of templates is limited.
Blog features may be improved

Weebly offers gorgeous templates that are easy to use. But, the blogging tools aren’t great and its customization is not as easy when creating templates. In general, however it’s a fantastic platform.

GoDaddy Pros GoDaddy Cons
The quickest to construct
Switch themes at any time
Features lack depth
A little bit of creativity freedom.

Thanks to the help of its ADI, GoDaddy offers the fastest way to go online. With just a few clicks, you’ll have you have a new site! You can change themes at any time that GoDaddy will transform for you – thereby saving your time and effort.

The features, however, lack some depth, which limits what you can accomplish with your website. This, in turn, does not offer much freedom of creativity generally.

Before we get started, make sure to check the following Comparison Chart of the Website Builder Chart

and the Business Website Builder Comparison Chart. Business Comparison Chart of Website Builders

If you’d prefer a lengthy discussion, check out our article about the top website builders of the year 201.9

Easy of Use

Website builders are designed to help users get online faster. Naturally, there are some that are more easy to use than others, which is why we tried the two Weebly as well as GoDaddy to determine which is the more user-friendly.

Weebly utilizes drag-and-drop to facilitate template modification. This makes it incredibly simple to customize your site. Weebly also grants access to a variety of apps that can be downloaded in just a single click.

One of the users we test discovered Weebly very user-friendly:

Its editing interface is designed well. It’s a great web designer.

Utilizing the ADI ‘GoCentral, GoDaddy can create a website in just a few minutes. Users can later alter to their own preferences. The entire editing process typically takes less than one hour, making it an extremely quick and easy experience.

Our user testing revealed that one person was impressed by the speed and simplicity of GoDaddy:

It’s easy to create a website by using the interface they offer.

Usability Verdict GoDaddy

GoDaddy is just a less complicated to use as compared to Weebly. Using GoCentral requires no effort at all and only a couple of clicks and a few questions to create your website. Weebly is also user-friendly, however it’s not as easy to use of the user experience offered by GoDaddy.

Do you like the sound of ADI? Explore the Top AI Platforms Here.

Design Flexibility

We’ve covered how easy each builder’s interface is and this leads us to our next discussion What is the degree of flexibility offered by each platform in terms of its tools for design? Also what platform offers the most creativity?

Weebly offers more than 50 themes with categories that include portfolios, business, and online stores. Plus, each theme is responsive to mobile devices which means they look stunning across all devices. Weebly also offers the largest number of apps on all platforms.

One small problem is that you aren’t able to look up specific themes for your industry – instead, you’ll have to go through each category in order to find the one that’s perfect for you. It’s not possible to see the design of each template on tablets or mobiles also.

GoDaddy utilizes ADI to assist you in designing your site. It asks you a few questions regarding the type of site you require for a portfolio, business etc . – and then provides you a site that is ready to go. Its templates are mobile-friendly as well.

Following this, you’ll have some degree of control, however it’s a limited one. You are able to edit the theme and modify the text boxes but that’s all there is to it. In the end, GoDaddy and its ADI are designed for those who want to be online fast instead of design-oriented.

Design Flexibility : Verdict

Weebly is the best choice to design your site. It offers 35 templates that you can modify, and gives you access to a variety of apps to allow you to personalize your website. GoDaddy is pleased to put speed over appearance which makes it easy to launch your site, while limiting your creativity.

What are the advantages of looking at how Weebly stacks up against Wix?

If you are a fan of style, take a look at the way GoDaddy does against Squarespace.

Tools and Features

A good web-based builder should to provide more than an intuitive design experience. it must also offer many useful tools, features and tools that can help you improve your website as well as your online business. Which one has the more powerful and comprehensive toolset?


Our tests showed that Weebly emerged as the most value-for-money investment for creating an online business. Its simple interface makes it simple to begin selling online, however it’s not equipped with large-scale tools for data management, such as managing inventory. It’s designed perfect for small businesses looking for an easy and pleasant journey for their customers.

Because of the company’s ADI, GoDaddy is the fastest way to build an online shop. Although it is now possible to sell digital items, the majority of the features available for e-commerce do not have the same quality and depth offered by other platforms.



Weebly beats GoDaddy in the category of blogging. With Weebly you can write and publish your blog posts quickly with the addition of search features and an RSS feed the social bookmarking feature, comment section, and many more.

While GoDaddy lets you separate the blog’s content into different categories, keep track of it’s performance and integrate it with an RSS feed into it, it doesn’t allow you to do much more.

Are you a passionate blogger? Explore these 9 best blogging platforms.

Also, check for our Weebly comparison with WordPress review.


Weebly offers a fantastic service called ‘ Weebly Promote It assists you in creating effective email marketing campaigns. It assists you with templates and copy as well as scheduling the emails that you send.

If you’re worried about cost but don’t be. Weebly Promote offers a free trial. Prices begin at just $8 per month thereafter.

Although GoDaddy allows you to create email campaigns with no specific tool for helping you as Weebly offers, it’s just not as powerful when you look at the two.

Social Media Integration

Weebly is also a winner here. While both allow you to embed Social buttons on their websites, Weebly takes things further by letting you add RSS feeds from social media directly on your site. Your visitors will be able to be aware of what you’re tweeting and posting and sharing at any time.

App markets

Let’s say this: Weebly has the most apps of any builder and GoDaddy has no app market. Therefore, it’s fairly evident who the most ‘app-friendly’ web-based builder is, however, we’ll go over a few reasons for this.

On Weebly it is possible to pick from a myriad of apps from third parties and be installed with a single click. Some are completely free, while others are available at a minimal cost. Applications are available for all of the major areas that include marketing as well as e-commerce and social media, as well as lots more that will help increase the performance of your website.

Features – Verdict: Weebly

Weebly is a cut over GoDaddy in terms of the range of features it offers. It offers more complete tools for blogging as well as social media integration and many more applications to pick from.

Find out more regarding the Weebly Pro & Start Plan features by reading our article.

Love a good contest? Check out our GoDaddy vs Wix piece.


If you’re wondering about what SEO actually is, it’s the system that helps your site get higher rankings in search engines such as Google. It helps users discover your website more easily.

Enhancing your site’s SEO could be achieved in a variety of ways. For instance Both Weebly and GoDaddy permit users to:

  • Meta titles, descriptions and meta tags have been updated(the text that you see in Google search results)
  • Modify URLs (the text you will find just after the domain of your website)
  • Textual alt tags to photos (the text that describes the image in order to assist Google recognize it)
  • Make use of responsive mobile theme (something Google likes to look at)

Each of these actions will allow search engines to search engines to index (find the site) and classify) your site. Both platforms provide excellent SEO tools, however Weebly includes the app center that can assist you even more. It also has extremely useful tutorials on keywords and programming.

SEO – Verdict: Weebly

It’s a close match, but Google just seems to prefer Weebly over GoDaddy. Both platforms provide useful tools that can help your website be more prominent on search engines however, Weebly wins by its extensive selection of SEO tools and user guides that make things much easier.

Want to learn more? Find out three of 3 best Web Builders to help with Search Engine Optimization.


With all things technological there’s a chance that you’ll encounter some issues that require resolution swiftly. In this regard we examined the level of assistance and support offered by every builder.

In terms of support for customers, it’s an extremely close call. Weebly offers phone, email and live chat assistance – however, only between 6 AM until 6 midnight (PT).

However, GoDaddy provides 24/7 phone assistance, and a live chat option, but not email support.


Help and support Verdict Weebly

Weebly receives the gold award in this category. Although both websites builders provide live chat options, phone support , and help centers, GoDaddy does not provide email support. Additionally the help center of GoDaddy is somewhat confusing and difficult to navigate in comparison to Weebly’s.

Price and Value for the money

Website builders have transformed the game in a variety of ways. One of them is cost – there’s no need to shell out hundreds of dollars for web design now.

If you’re into budget-friendly living, you’ll enjoy Weebly. It offers some of the most affordable pricing plans available, and also offers a no-cost plan as well. The premium plans start at only eight dollars each month up to $26 per month (see the image below for more details).

This plan is free and lets you design an attractive website for free cost (obviously) however, it does include the ‘.weebly subdomain. This isn’t professional looking however, it also means that your site will be flooded by ads from Weebly. With just a few dollars per month, it’s well worth it to upgrade.

GoDaddy is also incredibly affordable. You can choose from four plans you can pick from starting at only $6.99 each month all the way to $17.49 per month..

Each plan allows you to customize using the same tools however, you’ll need at least the Standard plan or higher in order to create a website for your business. If you choose the higher plan include SSL Certificates, as well as additional SEO support, too.

Are you looking to sell your products online? It’s best to choose the “Ecommerce” option which allows you to test all the ecommerce features that we discussed in the previous article.

Pricing – Verdict: Weebly

Both platforms offer good value in terms of price when you look at their features and pricing plans however, Weebly has the upper hand thanks the free plans it offers. GoDaddy is definitely a less expensive alternative however with Weebly you can build an amazing website at free – and also get lots of free apps as well.

Find out more information on Weebly’s pricing plans here.

Weebly Vs. GoDaddy: The Final Word

We’ve compared Weebly as well as GoDaddy against one another across all the major areas of building a site. Based on our expertise and the results of our testing with our users We really got under the layers of each platform to figure out what they do best.

Let’s look at the places the areas where each web builder excels…

After having read this article, you will have a better idea what platform is the best fit to what type of user and best suited to your needs.

Weebly is a great option for anyone who wants to create an appealing website with minimum effort and doesn’t need to spend a fortune in the process.

Through GoDaddy’s ADI, GoDaddy is an ideal choice for those looking to design websites as fast as they can and don’t care too much about the process of designing.

Who will win the crown but who will take the crown? After a fiercely fought battle We’ve handed it over to Weebly. It is worthy of the throne due to its extensive range of features, great price-to-value and its design flexibility.

GoDaddy is an excellent choice however, overall we’d recommend that you Choose Weebly.

Category Weebly GoDaddy Winner
Easy of Use The clearly laid out editing pages allows you to easily create any type of site GoCentral ADI feature can create your site in a matter of minutes, removing all the stress GoDaddy
Design The templates are stunning and mobile-responsive templates that can easily be modified Restricted in regards to creative controls because of the ADI function Weebly
Features It comes with a wealth of marketing blogs, social media and blogging features. However, the best part is it comes with a vast app store There is no app market and its features are generally inadequate when compared to Weebly Weebly
SEO It has all the essential tools you need to be ranked higher on Google and includes a variety of SEO-related apps Provides good quality SEO assistance, but the lack of applications is a drawback. Weebly
Assistance and Assistance and Supports email as well as live chat as well as a help center and telephone assistance Provides 24/7 support via phone however the help desk is messy and there’s no email support. Weebly
Pricing The free plan gives Weebly great value for money and the premium plans are reasonably priced. There is no free plan, however the prices are reasonable and include a free trial Weebly


Yes, you can. With Weebly you can pick from a range of applications from the App Center that let you to design your website in various languages.

GoDaddy does not offer integrations with apps however, you can alter the language on your website by going to your homepage, and then select the country or the language you’d like to utilize.

Both Weebly as well as GoDaddy offer the essential features to allow an online store. However, from the two we’d suggest Weebly.

The tools for e-commerce are superior to the ones GoDaddy has to offer and are perfect to accommodate a small-sized store. Additionally, you have access to the tools even if you’re on an unpaid plan. With GoDaddy you’ll need move to the Ecommerce plans if would like to have these features included.

We believe Weebly is the ideal choice if you’re a small company looking to expand. It has stylish themes for businesses and a variety of tools for SEO and services along with analytical tools for marketing and advertising.

If your company grows you’re likely to find you’ll surpass each of Weebly or GoDaddy. The limited customization options for templates can cause frustration and neither one of them offers the features required to run the needs of a huge online store.

Weebly provides a free plan that is in addition to premium plans, which means you won’t be required to upgrade if you don’t wish to. You can create websites without spending a dime! But, staying in the no-cost plan means that you will not get access to the best Weebly features, and your site will be branded with an subdomain that is linked to it.

GoDaddy does not have a no-cost plan, however it does offer a free trial of 30 days. After this time, you’ll have to pay for an upgrade to keep using GoDaddy’s website. GoDaddy website.

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