Ecommerce Website Builders

How to create a website in 7 Simple Steps

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There are a variety of methods to build a site There are two options that we have found to be the most efficient: using a web-based website builder and using WordPress. If you’re making your first attempt at it is recommended to use an online builder such as WixSquarespace as well as Weebly to build your website It’s the most suitable option for those who aren’t tech-savvy.

That said, WordPress is also a well-known choice and we’ll walk you through the two building methods. Whichever choice you choose at the end of this article you’ll have the ability to create a website within an hour if you follow our seven steps.

Do you doubt our claims? Do you want to read more and test it out to see if you can?

Option 1: Make use of a Website Builder

How to create a website in 9 Easy Steps

  1. Select the best web builder to build your website.
  2. Choose the plan that best suits your requirements and budget.
  3. Choose a unique and relevant domain name.
  4. Pick a design template you love.
  5. Customize your template design.
  6. Upload and create your own formatted content.
  7. Select and download applications.
  8. Test and preview your site.
  9. Create your own website online.

1: Pick the right Website Builder You

Website builders are extremely popular these days – and for great reason. However, you must choose one that is compatible with your requirements. We’ve given you our top five and the best uses for them however if you’re strapped on time, you could use our quick quiz Request a personalized recommendation.

A large number of people make use of websites builders to build websites. Wix alone has more than 100 million customers, while Shopify recently crossed 1.2 million.

What is the reason? website builders implies that anyone is able to create a site, regardless of technical expertise. In the early days of the internet, building websites demanded a solid knowledge of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language).Then CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) was introduced to make the process even more complicated.

Website builders handle the technical jargon , letting you concentrate on content and design. They do this with templates or through Drag-and-Drop interfaces that make creating websites as easy as creating an PowerPoint presentation.

Are you looking to earn money online?

Website builders allow you to create online stores quickly and easily. For more ambitious e-commerce goals we suggest an e-commerce platform such as Shopify or BigCommerce that have the most effective tools for helping your business expand. If you’re only trying to sell a few items or a few items, you can go with one of the generic websites such as Wix with ecommerce features. Check out the Online store builders comparison charts to find the perfect fit.

It is then important to select the best website builder is crucial. Different builders serve different needs. Making the right choice with the correct one is vital to creating an appealing website that you’ll be content with.

Which builder for websites do you need to choose?

What is the best method to construct a site? Which web-building tool should I choose? What is the most efficient method of building a site? These are the questions we receive every day. There are a lot of questions and builders. We get it, it’s hard.

This is why we’ve conducted extensive investigation. Our personal experience with builders for websites is great (and we’ve got lots of it) however, we’ve also tested builders on people like you. When you’re building your own website, be sure that we’ve got you covered.

We conduct user test and interviews, as well as tracks hundreds of features across a variety of products , giving you an overview of the marketplace. We want you find builders that meet your requirements. In that regard this article will provide the details on the best builders for developing websites today.

Wix and Weebly are two of the most sought-after websites available and their easy drag-and-drop features, making designing web pages appear like play for children. Squarespace is an ideal choice for designers, while Site123 is ideal for smaller websites. It also has a fantastic Live Chat support.

The best suggestion! Because most builders offer a free trial or offer a free web builder and it’s easy to try one out for trial before you opt for a subscription plan.

Do you want to know what all this is? Don’t worry, we’ve provided an easy-to-read summary below by clicking the “+” button to read more information about each of the criteria. To find out more about our study in more detail , check out our page on methodology.

Usability :How simple the builder is to master and use. This is determined by users tests, where participants are given an array of tasks, which they must complete and rate the ease (or difficult) they discovered the tasks. Many of our users are looking for the most simple method of making websites possible.

The value of money The balance of price and features. Nobody wants to pay through the roof, but the most expensive isn’t always the best option. We evaluate pricing plans while keeping features in mind to discover the best combination for building a website.

Design Flexibility What aesthetically appealing and user-friendly, appropriate for the industry and contemporary each template is. We made this happen through consulting with design experts, and evaluating how well templates function on different devices.

Highlights: What the builder is capable of. We do not just consider the things they are able to do however, but also how they do it and how they are able to do it. Ecommerce, blogging SEO, search engine optimization and much more all contribute to this. The more web-based website builders can accomplish, the better you can achieve using it.

help and assistance We assess how reliable the help and support offered by each builder includes, taking into consideration all aspects from live chat to knowledge centers. This is crucial when you are launching your own website.

User Score We would not like you to trust us to say that certain builders are great while others aren’t. The testing ends with us asking the participants if they’d recommend the software they’ve used to other people who are creating websites.

To clarify The builders listed in the above list aren’t only worth a look. They’re not by any means the only ones worth considering. They are the best in all our study, however it all comes down to what you need. is a good example. It is an excellent blog builder as well as Shopify is the leading choice for eCommerce.

Make sure you know your goals and then take a look at our chart of comparisons along with our review, and then choose three or four builders that appear to be an ideal match. When you’ve got your shortlist then you’re all set to begin testing.

Test your builder of websites

We’ll point you in the right direction however, only you will decide which builder you prefer. Most website builders offer free trials, so make sure to take advantage of. It’s easy to sign up.

Learn more about:

Learn How to Create the Online Store with 9 easy steps to create an online shop of your own.

Check out the Shopify Review to find out the advantages and disadvantages of this e-commerce platform that is a hit.

Learn the details regarding Wix Ecommerce for you to determine whether it’s the ideal selling platform for your needs.

Find out more about BigCommerce Pricing Plans and determine the possibility of a budget for this best builder.

2: Sign Up For a Plan That Suits Your Needs and Budget

After you’ve picked your site builder, you’ll need to determine the price plan. If you’re looking for a basic website (say for portfolios or a small-sized service businesses) the cheapest plans are likely to work perfectly. If you require something more sophisticated, you should take a look at the features available with the higher priced plans. If you’re unsure begin with a low-cost plan and then upgrade later.

After you’ve decided on an online website builder, you’ll need to enroll in an account. Website builders typically provide multiple plans. Different websites have different requirements and plans will ensure that you don’t have to pay for services that you don’t really need.

It’s important to be aware of: Website builder plans are priced differently and will usually cost between $80 and $40 per month for an all-inclusive cost. If you’re looking to save money or are looking for the no-cost package (although they do have disadvantages and we’ll cover them shortly) or look through our list of the lowest-cost plans.

This is an enormous benefit of web builders when compared against web-based developers. Web developers can cost anywhere from $300 to 1,000 to customize a template while a completely customized website created from scratch can usually cost thousands. The process of creating your own website with the builder lets you get an operational website up and functioning at a fraction of the cost of a cup of coffee.

The plan you pick depends on the needs of your business. Are you building a site for your portfolio that showcases your work? Wix’s Combo plan that costs $13 per month, is probably enough. Are you looking to build a website for your company that attracts thousands of people and also have multiple accounts for staff? Perhaps The VIP Plan which costs $25 per month, might be a better choice.


If you’re planning to sell a few items on your site for your business Why not make use of Square Online Checkout’s links? The checkout link makes it simple to accept credit card payments on your website without the need to sign up for an e-commerce service. If you’re looking to sell five or more items, we suggest an experienced eCommerce website builder.

There’s a solution that’s available to everyone. If you’re not sure begin small and gradually build up.

There’s a solution available for everyone. If you’re not sure Start small, and then scale up.

Do you have the ability to create your own website at no cost?

It is possible to build websites at no cost however there are some catches. Free accounts with website builders have a number of features that are important. You aren’t able to build custom domains and your website will display advertisements for the website builder. If you’re interested in finding out more about building websites, the free alternatives are worth taking a look. If you’re looking for a high-quality, feature-rich, professional website you’ll need to shell out at minimum a couple of dollars per month.

Learn more about what you can find by signing up for the most basic of website builders premium plans:

*Squarespace is the sole builder that doesn’t offer a free plan, which means that to enjoy the features, you’ll be required to pay a small monthly cost. However, they do provide an 14-day trial for free to allow you to test the product before buying.

3. Choose a relevant and unique Domain Name

A domain name is your site’s unique address – for example, ours is You’ll need to choose a domain name for your website, and this is easily done by using the website builder (you’ll be asked to do this to sign up). If your domain is already registered you can transfer it to any platform you’d like to make use of (you’ll be presented with an option for this).

Domain names are the name of the website. Domain title is the portion from the URL (the website address that appears in the search bar of your browser) which identifies a website page, in this instance, your site. For example, ours is You can sign up for the domains separately on sites such as, but websites builders will help you register when you join them. The majority of them offer it for absolutely free (at minimum, at first) and a few cost a few dollars more.

The domain’s name can be among the primary ways that a website is able to present itself on the internet Make it count. Here are some guidelines to follow when selecting domain names.

  • It should be pertinent. It’s easy, but it’s something important to mention. Check that the domain is compatible with what your visitors get when they go to your website. If your company is Vintage Pantaloons ™, don’t register the domain
  • Make it as short as possible or at a minimum, remembered. If you want people to remember your website, make sure you choose a domain that’s hundreds of characters long. It’s a waste of time and nobody will ever remember it.
  • Do not use numerals. It’s generally best to stay clear of the use of numbers on domains. It (generally) appears unprofessional and creates another factor that people will be able to recall.
  • Make sure the brand doesn’t yet exist. There are millions of websites that are already available. This means that the domains are million in number that have already been used. Verify whether yours stands out before you commit to it.

Once you’re certain that you want a domain, add it to the registration process for your preferred website builder. Some of the less expensive plans will require a renewal fee of about $12, but in premium plans, it’s normally included.

Once you’ve obtained your own unique domain name What happens if you would like to relocate?

This is a common query we receive. Don’t worry. If you buy domain names via a website builder, or via registrars that are separateyou are the owner of your domain and have the right to use it anywhere you like.

4: Select the Design Template You Like

Now we’re on the exciting part – it’s time to decide on the style of your website using either a template or a theme that you can work with. The website builder will guide you through this step after you’ve registered. Templates are categorize according to industry or site type. Try a few templates to test before settling on your preferred.

Okay, you’ve followed our directions exactly You’ve picked a website developer, paid to the plan and registered an domain. You’re now ready to create your website. Instead of leaving it to you to create it all on your own web builders help you throughout the process using templates.

Templates are a structure for your site – an ideal canvas to paint your site on. This is how you can build an appealing website without the need to hire an artist.

If you’re choosing a website builder you’ll be able to access an vast range of designs to pick from. In general, the higher your site will be, it will provide more designs you’ll get access to. The best builders have hundreds of templates that span many categories. Whatever the goal of your website is, there’s templates for it. For instance, if contemplating creating a fitness-focused website the majority of builders will allow you to select the template you want to use according to.

These are just a few of the categories you will see when you begin your own site

Imagine templates as clothes that you can use for your site. If you aren’t happy with the style of one you can change it to a different one that gives your site an entirely different look. Also, don’t rush into the process. Select different templates, look through them and determine whether they are suitable. The entire point of templates is the choice to explore and choose one that is just right for the look you’re trying to accomplish.

5. Create Your Own Template Design

It’s time to personalize the template using your own images and content. It’s a process that the majority of builders will walk the user through. It’s easy to master of. Soon, your website will begin to look similar to it’s own website.

As we mentioned in the previous step, templates are an outline. Since so many people are using builders to build websites in the present, chances are there are several websites that use the same design and framework like yours. At a minimum, you’ll need to fill the template you choose with your own content. To really make your mark, you’ll have to make some changes.

The process of building a website is similar to making a meal. Like cooking, knowing how to construct an online site from scratch is much easier when you have proper tools and directions. Templates provide you with the recipe and you can follow it or mix the ingredients and styles to create your own dish. personal taste.

What is the process of the process of customizing a website? It’s dependent on you. Web builders can be extremely flexible nowadays. The types of customization include:

  • Add more pages into your list of pages
  • Change the size, color and fonts
  • In addition, you can add new elements such as menus and contact forms
  • Editing the images in your homepage gallery
  • Choosing a different color palette
  • Linking/embedding social media channels

The top website builders guide you through each step Don’t be afraid. They are aware of their mission to make web design simple. Like is the case with builders for websites Do not be afraid to try your hand at it. You’ll be amazed by much you can accomplish.

If the template customization aren’t appealing enough to you (though in the case of building the first site, then they might be) You might want to consider creating your site on an open-source platform such as This is the option 2 option that we’ll cover a bit later.. You’ll have greater flexibility, but for those who aren’t coders or a programmer, learning WordPress requires a significant amount of time, especially when compared to drag-and-drop builders.

It’s possible to test out templates in the free trial, which means you’ll get an idea of the ease of customization without paying a dime.

6.  Upload and format your own Content

Your website is beginning to form and you’re ready to fill up the site with custom pictures and text. It is possible to replace the content that is ‘placeholder’ in your template, and also drag and drop boxes of text and images around every page (if you’re using a drag-and-drop builder).

After you’ve had a go at the design and colors of your site It’s now time to begin adding content. That is, video, images as well as text.

If you’re in need of some writing strategies, you’ve come the right place. We’ve prepared a complete guide to writing on the internet filled with expert advice, research and our own experiences.

You should definitely check it out, but until then this is a summary of 19 top recommendations:


Learn more about HTML0.

Check that the content on your website is as perfect as it can be. Check out our guide for more ideas!

Let’s move on to pictures. When it comes down to selecting the ideal images for your website the quality of the images is crucial. Images that are blurry are impossible to find.

Certain website builders offer an image library of free images that you can make use of. If you don’t, there are plenty of free image websites online, including Unsplash and Pixabay (two of our favorite sites).

A great suggestion! Make sure you compress images before uploading them to your website by using a free site such as or TinyPNG. This reduces the size of the file, which will stop the image from slowing down your website down, however it will not directly impact the quality.

7: Choose and Download Apps

Visit your builder’s app store to include any functionality that is missing from your website, including the ability to integrate social media and forms. There’s an app for almost anything, and downloading these apps is easy.

Whatever it is you want your website to accomplish it is likely to have an app that can help you with that. Installing these applications is easy – simply visit the App Market (or similar) for the builder you want to use. Similar to in the App Store, you’ll be able to find out how much the application will cost (although some are free) and what it can do and the user ratings.

Wix offers more than 300 applications within its App Market. Find what you are looking for and click on the app you’ve selected and click Add+

8: Review and Test Your Website

Make sure to test your website before going live for mobile as well as desktop!

Once you’ve chosen your template and customized, you’re probably eager to publish and make your site up and running. Be patient. Learning how to create an effective website is one aspect. Making your website public without knowing how is a different.

Always check the changes on your site prior to publishing the changes. It is essential to ensure everything is working as you’d like to. Some of the most important questions to be asking are:

  • Are all grammar and spelling is correct?
  • All the menu buttons working on the menu?
  • Does your site fulfill a purpose?
  • Are your formatting and formatting consistent?
  • Does it work is it compatible with screens on desktops as well as mobile phones?
  • Does the website load fast?

You’ll be incredibly proud to make it to this point. Be vigilant. It’s a big regret to create your own website and then publish a sloppy website.

How can you test your website?

Website builders let you preview your website incredibly simple. Most of the time, you simply need click the preview button when you are in editor mode to check out what your website will appear in real time. The majority of them have a toggle feature to let you check how the website looks with different screen sizes.

The best tip! Do not forget mobile devices! Over half the Google searches are conducted on mobile devices, and the percentage is just on the upwards. Making the mobile user experience seamless one is essential for any website that succeeds and especially because of the advantages that responsiveness on mobile can bring in making your site more user-friendly.

An easy-to-use preview mode will save your time since you don’t have to save your changes constantly and switching between preview and editor mode. It is possible to make changes and then click the preview button to check how your changes will appear in real-time.

A top tip! Do not just test your site yourself. You’ll be unable to see certain flaws. You know what your site’s supposed to function and although you might be able to navigate it easily, however, that doesn’t mean that someone else won’t. Find a new perspective. Request family members and your friends to visit your website and provide feedback. If they’re like our family or friends, they’ll be more than comfortable providing critique.

Are you still searching for your perfect Builder?

Sometimes, you want an easy side-by-side look at the options available instead of switching between a myriad of websites. We understand Check out our chart of comparisons for an easy overview of the best websites available.

9. Publish Your Website on the Internet!

When you’re ready click Publish! Don’t fret you can easily modify your website after it’s published. Be aware that certain builders will not let you change templates once your site is up and running.

After all this and you’re ready to go. Before you press the Publish button and publish your website to that harsh, cold world, let’s review the steps you’ve taken in order to get here:

  1. Select the best website builder to build your site.
  2. Choose the plan that best suits your budget and needs.
  3. Choose a unique and relevant domain name.
  4. Pick a design template you love.
  5. Customize your template design.
  6. Upload and modify your own content.
  7. Select and download applications.
  8. Check out and test your website.

All done? Wonderful. Press Publish! Inform your family and friends, make noise about it on crowded streets, get an blimp to make sure you spread the word. Your website is now online for all the world to view. You’ll be able to customize and further develop it, of course but you’ve already made the leap. It’s very exciting.

If you’re uncertain about how to go about it, particularly if you think you’re not creative We have a complete guide to create a Website guide that covers the items on the checklist above and includes Google Analytics, logo design and pictures, in depth. For more in-depth guides on web design – like how to create an online booking site and how to create a membership site check out the variety of guides available on our website.

Anybody can build an online site, and (literally) it costs nothing to discover. Try a few builders and check out what happens. You might end up with something amazing.


Learn more about

Are you in the market to build eco-friendly websites? We’ve got you covered . take a look at our guide on three ways to make your website more Green

Building a Website Helpful FAQs

Making an web site for free is quite typical nowadays. The majority of website builders offer an affordable plan or the option of a trial plan. You can design your own site without spending any money, but it will not have any bells or whistles associated with an expensive plan. In the end, Wix offers the most complete and comprehensive free plan among all websites builders.

It’s possible, but there’s generally a lot of trouble involved. A majority, if certainly not all of the content has to be transferred manually. Website builders can be finicky. This is why it’s vital to look at a variety of options prior to signing up for one.

Most builders allow you to make your site in under an hour. We wouldn’t advise being fast with it however. The most effective way to build your own website is to allow yourself a full time to experiment with the software and refine your website. It may take more time than this to create an online site, however – it is contingent on the number of pages you’ve got and the amount of customizing you’ll need.

If you create a site that is optimized for the search engines, then it will. There’s a popular misconception that you won’t achieve the same ranking as websites builders. You definitely have the ability to! How do you create a site that can rank in Google requires excellent content, as well as some background research on SEO. The creation of websites that visitors are able to find is the key to a solid website marketing strategy. It’s also it’s not too difficult to accomplish.

If you have an Wix, Weebly, or Squarespace website (or any other web-based builder) you can upgrade to an e-commerce price plan that will allow you to access the tools and sales features. However, we suggest using Shopify and BigCommerce that are specifically designed for e-commerce with the best tools to grow your business.

Wix is the top all-around web-based builder due to the fact that it’s very simple to use. It offers the most intuitive drag-and-drop layout available and comes with many visual cues to ensure you don’t get lost. The Weebly is like Wix However, it’s not as easy to learn how to use initially.

You can set up an online store using site builders such as WeeblyWix and Squarespace by upgrading their plans to e-commerce that will grant users access to the tools for sales. We recommend that you use an ecommerce-specific platform such as BigCommerce or Shopify and BigCommerce as they offer better sales tools.

Website builders include everything you need to make websites in one place. It is possible to add images videos and new pages, as well as contact forms, and much more without needing to write code. With open-source platforms such as WordPress, you have to write everything by hand, as well as organize your web hosting as well as security certificate.

It’s dependent on the kind of work you want your site to achieve. Website builders come with fixed pricing plans, however, you need to pay for the majority of apps and integrations. Certain platforms, such as Wix and Weebly offer no-cost plans, while other platforms may cost anywhere between $8 and $40 per month.

The choice of the best site builder depends on the features you’re seeking. Each one has its own strengths and weaknesses, however the top website builders include:

The simplest and most cost-effective method to create a website is using a web builder. It doesn’t require any programming and some platforms provide plans for free. You can choose to use an CMS such as WordPress but it isn’t the best option for novices. You can also employ a web designer however, this could be costly.

Each website builder allows you to build professional-looking websites with their elegant templates and easy-to-use designing features. Squarespace is the most effective platform for designing that lets you design amazing websites that are worthy of any web designer. Additionally, it gives you a 14-day trial for free trial.

There are several paid sites that allow you to select a web developer from the vast group of freelancers. The most popular ones include:

  • UpWork
  • Fiverr
  • 99designs
  • Toptal

For more information, please read the article we wrote on how to locate an experienced web designer or developer.

Option 2. Utilize WordPress

How to build a website using WordPress in just eight steps:

  1. Determine whether WordPress is the best choice for you.
  2. Choose the best hosting plan (we suggest Bluehost).
  3. Pick and sign up for a domain.
  4. Create your WordPress website in one click.
  5. Choose a theme to the design of your website.
  6. Make and modify your pages and content.
  7. Select and install the most helpful plugins.
  8. Check the final results and publish.

1. Decide whether WordPress is Right for You

WordPress is an extremely powerful (and widely used) platform but the tasks it demands make it not for everyone.

Nearly one third of websites are built using WordPress. It’s an obscure, but important part of the web. However, it needs more setup and upkeep than other web-based builders. The first step in building websites using WordPress is to take inventory and understanding what you’re signing up to.

WordPress isn’t a complete package. It’s an Content Management System (CMS). A CMS lets you make and organize digital content. Other components such as domain registration and hosting are best handled in their own way. It’s your job to combine these elements in the an effort to create a WordPress website. It’s not nearly as complicated as you’d imagine, but it’s certainly not the easiest method to build a site. We don’t recommend it to anyone who isn’t comfortable with technology.

2. Purchase the right Hosting Plan (We recommend Bluehost)

If you’re creating a website using WordPress then you’ll have to sign up for an hosting plan in order to reserve an actual plot of ground’ to build your website. The majority of new websites are suitable to start with an open hosting plan and but you may upgrade later on if it is necessary. Hosting plans range from $4 to $500plus per month.

The primary aspect to consider when the process of setting up the WordPress website is web hosting. We’ve got a complete guide to the definition of web hosting and how it works, but basically it’s the home of your site. The files that compose your website require an internet-based home to live in.

1. Select a service

We’ll walk through this step-by-step tutorial using the web hosting provider Bluehost to illustrate since it’s among the services that is explicitly suggested by WordPress and was rated the highest in our study in the field of WordPress hosting. It is particularly effective for hosting shared WordPress hosting which is ideal for those who are new to WordPress:

Learn more about:

8 Top WordPress Hosting Services 8 Best WordPress Hosts Bluehost was the top choice in our analysis of hosted and managed WordPress hosting. Compare it to the other hosts in our list.

Bluehost Review – A deep dive into the pros and cons of this WordPress-recommended host.

Bluehost Cost Review Are Bluehost expensive and does it provide value for the money? Are there any hidden charges?

Is Bluehost the right choice for you?

Bluehost is the most reliable WordPress service, and has been suggested by WordPress since 2005. Check out the Bluehost website to find out whether Bluehost is the right choice for you!

2. Make a decision

Before you start the process of creating your WordPress website, you’ll require an address for it to be live. This is why you need a hosting service. Making a sign-up for hosting plans is straightforward. When you sign to the most suitable hosting program is the place where things become more complicated.

There are a variety of kinds and levels of hosting plans that cover anything from small websites to stores that have millions of customers every month. To get some idea about the variety of plans, take a check out Bluehost:

Did You See a Plan You Loved?

Bluehost offers a variety of hosting options and plans, so you should compare them to ensure that you choose the right plan. Find out what Bluehost can offer you today!

A few of the most common kinds of hosting are listed below.

  • Shared. When you share a server with several other websites. This keeps costs low, but it limits the amount of traffic your website can handle. These plans are ideal for smaller and beginner websites that have a moderate amount of traffic. Price: $4 – $35+ per month.
  • Virtual Private Server (VPS). They mimic the functionality on a dedicated server but they still use the same space as other sites. This is a great alternative for those who have outgrown your shared plan, but aren’t ready to invest in the expense for dedicated servers. Price: $15 – $155+ per month.
  • Affirmed. A server completely for yourself. These plans are able to handle much more traffic and provide complete control over the administration. However as you can see they can also cost more. Dedicated hosting is reserved for the top of the line websites. Price: $70 – $500+ per month.
  • WordPress. It can be the form that is hosting that is shared as well as controlled WordPress hosting and comes with additional features that can help users who use WordPress for their websites such as one-click WordPress installation, and auto-updates for software. Price: $4 – $50+ per month

If you’re only starting your website , it’s unlikely that you’ll require a look at shared hosting. If, in the future it turns out that a shared plan is inadequate , you can just upgrade. When you first launch a WordPress site , a basic shared plan will set you through.

Learn more about

Do you want to begin using shared hosting? Be sure to choose among the most reliable Shared Hosting providers Our review will be helpful!

If you’re not certain what kind of hosting is best for you, begin by reading our shared hosting VPS Hosting vs Shared Hosting comparison to help you find the best choice.

3. Select and Register the Domain Name

Every website requires an address for its domain. It’s your site’s unique address. It is possible to get the domain name through certain hosting companies (like Bluehost), or else you’ll need it from a domain registrar , such as It’s typically around 12 dollars per year.

An Domain address is the address of your site. Ours is This is where you can are able to find us. The New York Times The address website is There you will are able to find the newspaper. The list goes on. Your website also requires a domain If you’re setting up your WordPress website, it’s something you’ll need to manage yourself. Bluehost allows you to select the domain at no cost in the sign-up procedure.

If you’d like to buy an individual domain name, visit a domain registry website like, find the name you like, and is available, then buy it. It’s as easy as that. After you’ve purchased the domain, the registrar will grant you an account. This is how you can link an account to a domain. We’ll discuss this in the future.

What is the cost of an individual domain name cost?

There isn’t a fixed price on domains. Their price is usually determined in accordance with the current market. Facebook purchased at the end of 2010 with $8.5 million and the 2005 acquisition of was worth $190 million.

Don’t be worried you won’t have to shell out millions to purchase your domain. The cost of a regular, non-famous domain is around 12 dollars per year. Much cheaper and manageable.

Picking a great domain name

There’s not a secret formula for choosing the perfect domain name, however there are some guidelines that you should follow when launching the process of creating a website.

  • Relevance is crucial. Make sure your domain matches your site. If your business is referred to as Green Paper Don’t sign up with
  • Sweet and short. You want people to remember your URL, therefore the more concise the more effective!
  • Do not utilize the numbers. It’s a little uncomfortable to include numbers in the domain name because people aren’t sure if to enter ‘3’ or “three to be specific, like.
  • Be distinctive! Make sure that the domain isn’t used. It’s obvious, but it saves time over the long term.

When you have registered the domain, it’s yours. You can only lose it in the event that you do not renew it, after which it will be placed back to the market.

Is Your Domain Still Available?

After someone registers a domain it will not be available to anyone else. Verify if the domain you have registered is still available on Bluehost Do not miss out!

4. Install Your WordPress Website in One Click

With the majority of hosting providers, WordPress is installed with one click.

When you sign up for an hosting plan through Bluehost An account will be created for you by default, but creating the account on WordPress needs something that you do: just a single click.

The popularity of WordPress means that it’s important for hosting companies to make setting up simple. So, they provide the option of a single-click WordPress installation. For instance, with Bluehost this means clicking My Sites in the dashboard. As you’ll see in the following screenshot it’s easy to locate.

If you have purchased domain names when you signed up and you have a WordPress site is already there (a one-click configuration!). To start a new site it is as easy as clicking “Create Site”. The majority of web hosting companies offer similar services.

For a full guide, read our tutorial to the steps to installing WordPress using Bluehost..

Does Bluehost have your ticks?

Bluehost is officially suggested to WordPress Word Press since 2005. It’s easy to understand why. Take an in-depth look at Bluehost to learn more about the features, pricing and customer support, and determine if it’s the preferred choice!

5. Choose the theme for your site’s Design

The fun begins ! It’s time to choose the perfect WordPress theme! This will give you the fundamental design framework, which you will be able to create your own personal website . There are many free themes in WordPress’s WordPress themes directory but you might have to shell out a little to purchase a premium theme.


While websites builders offer themes, WordPress has themes. The theme you choose will affect how your website looks. There are free themes as well as paid themes. You can change the theme on your website whenever you like.

The advantage of themes that are free is that they aren’t expensive, naturally however, keep in mind the theme you choose to download will likely be used in a variety of websites already. The paid themes tend to be more exclusive in this sense. Certain themes only require a one-time payment, while some offer an annual subscription to support and updates and maintenance.

When you have selected the WordPress website, you will see yourself on your WordPress dashboard. This is your control panel online from the moment on. It’s here you can control themes. A few themes that are default will be waiting to greet you upon arrival and adding more is a matter of about a minute.

To add a new theme go to the ‘Appearance’ tab and then click on ‘Themes’. Select the option add New on the right screen, and you’ll be taken into The WordPress Theme Directory to search for a new theme.

The theme directory has thousands of themes that you can choose from WordPress the WordPress Theme Directory. Find the type of themes that you’re interested in. If you’re planning to set up an online newspaper search “newspaper,” or for instance, if you require a website for your cafe search , you can use ‘cafe’. There will be hundreds, perhaps dozens of options. When you click on a theme, it takes you to the page, where you can view user reviews as well as see the theme’s capabilities.

The ability to customize WordPress requires a greater technical skills than builders for websites. It’s necessary to dig deeper into code create the changes you’d like to make. If you’re familiar using HTML, CSS, and Java script (or seeking to learn more about these) it isn’t a major issue. But be cautious. WordPress gives greater control than website builders but only to those who are able to make use of it.

6. Create and customize Your Pages and Content

Create your own website by modifying text and images.

The process of adding content to WordPress is more organized than you think. Content on WordPress websites is essentially broken into two categories that are posts and pages. The way they appear will be based of the themes you choose to use.

Pages are static, one-off pages that constitute the foundation of your website. Your homepage and your contact page could be pages, for instance. Posts are more frequently updated. If your website has blogs, every entry within that blog is a post.

Making pages and posts is simple. Both require just a couple of clicks on WordPress’s WordPress dashboard. To add pages, click “Pages” and then ‘Add New’. For posts, click Posts and then “Add New’. Both the ‘Add New options’ will bring your to the editing area where you can insert the content, preview it, and then publish.

In order to add additional pages into your primary menu,, must go to the “Appearance” and “Menus’. You can then choose which pages will appear in the menus you want to display. For the majority of websites and themes, you’ll only require one menu navigation and putting it together is simple.

Are You Ready to Take Your First Steps?

The success of a WordPress website begins with a reliable hosting service. We’ve probably told you that we recommend Bluehost as the top WordPress hosting provider… learn the reasons for yourself!

7. Select and install useful plugins

With a vast selection of plugins available (both paid and free) it is simple to make your website work in the way you want it to. WordPress’ WordPress plugins directory will make it easy to locate the plugin you require. Plugins are simple to install (and remove) which means you can play around with them.

Plugins are software components which can be added into WordPress to increase the efficiency of your website. The default features are sufficient to make a good site However, plugins are typically needed to elevate it to the next step.

WordPress has tens of millions of plugins that cover all kinds of things from search engine optimization (SEO) and image compression. Explore through the WordPress plug-in directory to have a an idea of how lively and imaginative the WordPress community is. Each plugin comes with its own webpage with descriptions of the plugin, screenshots, user reviews and much more.

For installing plugins, it’s simpler to search inside Your WordPress dashboard. To do this, go to the ‘Plugins’ tab and then Add New’. Here you can search for popular, well-known and highly recommended plugins and also look them up by yourself. To install , just click “Install Now”.

Here are a few most popular plugins to consider if you’re not sure how to begin:

  • Jetpack . It was created by Automatic the team behind WordPress it is basically multiple plugins inside one plugin. In-depth stats for your site and automated social media posts as well as lazy loading (a way to allow pages to load more quickly) are just a few of the options offered by the plugin.
  • Google Analytics Dashboard . This is a simple choice. Google Analytics is a fantastic free tool for tracking visitors to your website. The plugin lets you view everything on your WordPress dashboard
  • Social Media Share Buttons . Your content should be shared, don’t you? This plugin lets you include completely customizable buttons for sharing your blog posts to give them the maximum amount of exposure

You can manage your plugins within the “Installed Plugins Section of the tab called ‘Plugins. Here you can modify settings for your plugin and switch the plugins that are installed on or off.

Always don’t be afraid to try things out. There’s a lot more to gain from plugins than. The worst-case scenario is to remove a plugin that you don’t would like to utilize.

Learn more about

A useful plugin that is worth mentioning WordPress Multilingual plugin – find out why we love it in our article on how to start an Multilingual website on WordPress

8. Check the Final Score and then publish!

Website, meet world. World, meet website. It’s time to let your site up! Give your site a thorough review, and remember that you can alter your site anytime.

We’re nearly here. Before you publish your WordPress site , we’ll go over the steps you must have completed to get to this point.

  1. Determine whether WordPress is the right choice for you.
  2. Choose the best hosting plan (we suggest Bluehost).
  3. Select and sign up for a domain.
  4. Create your WordPress site in one click.
  5. Select a theme for your site’s style.
  6. Make and modify your pages and content.
  7. Install and select efficient plugins.

All done? It’s time to go. Don’t assume that you’ve completed the job. A great website will never be done. You’ll be able to see. The internet is continually changing, and your website will be too. The life cycle of a WordPress website is a constant loop of the stages of six and seven and a touch of the theme’s customization to add some spice.

The process of creating and maintaining managing a WordPress website is a enjoyable experience. It will teach you about content, design web search engines, programming and more. Furthermore, the well-structured framework WordPress provides will make things easier to manage.

If you’re still unsure whether WordPress is the right fit for your needs go through our complete WordPress review or, if you’re eager to start click here!

Are you ready to start?

The perfect WordPress site is waiting for you to launch – but first, it needs to be hosted. It isn’t enough to emphasize how crucial an excellent host is for successful running your website Therefore, make the effort to explore. Begin with Bluehost to discover the way WordPress hosting is supposed to be handled.

Learn more about

If you’re looking for to have an additional complete instruction for putting together your website, take a look at our tutorial on How to Build an Effective WordPress website

Utilizing WordPress FAQs for WordPress

Absolutely, WordPress is completely free to use, however, everything else about it isn’t. You’ll have be able to purchase the hosting and an domain and you may prefer to use paid themes or plugins , too.

You’ll be amazed. Once you’ve got it up and running, WordPress is easy to manage. The most difficult part is juggling the various elements that make up the creation of a WordPress website, not WordPress itself.

A majority of hosting companies offer one-click setup and you’ll be able to establish the setup of a WordPress in just five minutes. Set up of the foundation of a quality WordPress site with lots of content shouldn’t take longer than a day, when you know the goal you’re trying to achieve and are proficient in the technical aspects.

For more information on how long it will take to create and maintain, check out our post!

Simply put, Wix is much easier to utilize than WordPress It also depends on your technical expertise. With Wix all the necessary features are available in one location for creating websites. You do not need to write any programming language. WordPress needs to be coded throughout the process, allowing the user unlimited flexibility in flexibility in your customization.

You’ll need a web hosting provider to host your WordPress site since it’s an open source platform. If you’re using a web-based builder such as Wix, Weebly, or Squarespace You aren’t required to locate web hosting. Everything you require to start your own website is in one place.

WordPress is widely considered to be the most effective CMS and certainly the most well-known. Read the WordPress overview for more information. is the CMS version that we’ve mentioned throughout this article. will be, which is the WordPress variant of the site builder. is more complicated to set up, however it allows for more modification. is easy to set up, however only limited. We’d suggest using it to host blogs but nothing beyond it. We’ve written a full piece on the differences between the two and we recommend you to read it.

Should You Choose the Website Builder, or WordPress?

Website builders allow anyone to be online. They’re simple to use do not require any coding skills and come with a variety of templates to help make your site stand out.

WordPress is more complex. It’s an open-source platform, which means you’ll have to create everything by hand and also organize web hosting. WordPress offers you complete freedom in terms of your creativity however it requires more technical skills than web builders.

The issue of which one you will choose for building your site comes down to your personal preferences and your level of expertise. Like many issues in the world, the primary and most crucial element of creating an online business is to begin! So don’t fret when you’re still not certain of either You’ve nothing to lose by giving them both test.

Have you made the website of your dreams? Do you have any tricks or suggestions to give us? Tell us about it via the comment section!

Website Builder Expert strives to provide the user with truthful information. This is why we do our own studies and get the most direct and personal information. Graphics and analyses that are included hereinafter have been derived on real sources that have been cross-validated by our own experts.

We make every effort to ensure that the information we release is accurate and reliable. But, WBE does not assume any responsibility for errors in the information provided to us by research participants, users or other organizations.

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