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The Power of Emotional Marketing

Consumers use both their emotional and rational brains. Research after research shows that when we purchase the items we do so for reasons of emotion. The logic plays a role when we attempt to justify the amount we’ve (or are going to) spend, especially when we’re in the process of granting our desires.

Here’s what’s in an article from Psychology Today article says about our shopping habits.

  • Neuro-imaging using fMRI suggests that when it comes to evaluating brands, consumers are primarily influenced by emotions (personal emotions and experiences) instead of information (brand attributes features, features, and objective facts).
  • Research on advertising shows that emotions associated with an advertisement have a greater impact on a person’s desire to purchase an advertisement (more than the ad’s content).
  • Based on the Advertising Research Foundation, ‘likeability is the measure which best determines whether an advertisement can increase the sales of a brand.
  • Positive emotions towards the brand can have a much more impact on the loyalty of customers than trust or other judgements.
  • Emotions are a major reason we prefer brand-name products over generic ones. big brands put a steady amount in advertising funds into their branding projects.

Okay. The research makes sense. In reality, they’re common knowledge and have been beneficial to marketers for many years. However, how can companies make use of emotions to communicate with their clients? Use the following examples. We’ll show you the way.

The positive emotions of a person can lead to a long-term ROI

The emotions are the primary driver that drive our daily decisions. They’re the reason we are motivated to wake up and head into work before 6 a.m. This is how we get ourselves to walk an more miles on our treadmill. Similar to emotions, they motivate us to make a purchase with brands that we recognize.

The issue is that marketers are completely on a different bandwagon. What is it that makes us feel content? Time, page views and clicks on site, and the high conversion rates.

What marketers should remember to be aware of is that the process for optimizing conversions is something that happens over time, not just an instant. It’s the entire marketing funnel, not just the five minutes is required for your customers to make a commitment or sign a contract to make a purchase.

Your company must put long-term relationships over sales.

Researchers from The University of Michigan wanted to discover how optimism could influence a negotiation. Participants were asked to manage the final arrangements of the catering services for a wedding reception that was scheduled to take place. The company’s business manager catering service (a professionally trained actor) stated that the cost of $14,000 had to be raised by $3,000 because of market price changes.

The study found that slight changes in pitch could have a significant impact on what happens during the discussion. If people heard a positive pitched pitch had twice the likelihood to agree with the offer as those who heard a less pitched pitch.

Zappos is a brand that thrives off positive energy. The company strives to keep its customers content — and it’s not just about getting customers in the door. Zappos will keep customers content throughout the entire sale process.

Zappos transformed what many companies think of as a cost (call centers) to a pleasant customer experience. Zappos reps don’t have to adhere to a strict set of rules. In fact, the reps are encouraged be present and let their personality show through.

Zappos is known for its ability to send customers flowers, offering unexpected upgrade to overnight shipping and even staying on the phone with customers for several hours.

“Sometimes people need to talk with someone and call” stated Shaea Labus, an employee who was on the phone with a customer for more than 10 hours. “We don’t look at the situation, we just would like to assist”.

Let your customers be happy and you’ll earn their business for the rest of their lives. Your competitors won’t have a chance.

Engaging the senses

Visual communication is the underlying principle for online advertising. This doesn’t mean that your business can’t be limited to two-dimensional communications.

One way to engage the senses is by appealing to the audience’s imagination. Let them envision a memorable experience that they could have using your company’s products. One possibility? Sound. Engage your clients through a customized explainer videos or hosting an online webinar.

It’s not necessary to make an expensive or complex or complicated. When Spotify first launched within America, U.S., the company made a simple design and sound track:

Coastal The e-commerce store that sells contact lens and glasses, offers the option of a “try-it-on” feature that lets customers experience what they’d look like with new glasses.

Brand Image

Personality is the quality that we generally share with to our family members, friends colleagues, acquaintances, and coworkers. These are the traits that make up an individual’s distinct persona.

Personality is in the eyes of the observer. We admire people because of their personality. We hate people due to their personality. Some personalities are wonderful but others we find disgustingly offensive.

It’s strange to think that brands could be able to have a persona. We talk about “brand personalities” every day.

What is a Brand Personality?

A brand’s personality is a collection of characteristics that give an organisation an individual character. Certain brands have extremely special and distinctive personality. Other brands have weaker personalities (or the absence of any personality in the first place). Most of the time, they are based on certain traits.

People who are famous don’t just happen on the spur of the moment. They’re planned out ahead of time.

Moosejaw is a fantastic resource for inspiration. The sports and outdoor goods retailer is creative, adventurous and has a great spirit of humor. The marketing team at the company will take the time to experiment with different branding ideas (like giveaways and mystery gifts) and employs subdued strategies of ridiculing the legal language used by the company. Take a look at the company’s return policy for example. It’s hilarious. It’s an “living can”.

What are the sources that brand personality’s come Where Did Brand Personalities Come

Brand personalities can be what the brand’s management wants to make it fun professional, serious and any other combination of the above.

Most important is that the business determines it upfront. This should be a process that records all time — not just a few executives within the organization.

The reason for this is because it’s your team membersat the bottom — who ultimately implement this well-designed character into action. These people will develop new features for your products as well as business development strategies and customer service options around this incredibly important brand image.

To illustrate, take a the time to look at KISSmetrics. KISSmetrics strives to be educational, analytical efficient, friendly, up-to-date driven by metrics, aggressive, and (kind of geeky). The core characteristics of the brand are evident all over the site including on the home page and on the blog, where the company shares information, tricks as well as detailed best practices for web analytics.

Who is responsible for your Corporate’s Brand Identity?

The quick answer is Everyone.

The persona you give to your brand’s image should be evident in all aspects of your company from marketing materials to emails to customers, social media and product descriptions. Everyone on your staff — executives leaders, mid-managers and employees at the entry level must be able to identify and define what your brand’s personality is.

The way you think about it, the team members represent the brand’s identity. When you are building the team (hiring) and creating strategic alliances, you have to recruit those who embody your brand’s values. When your team members are dedicated to a common and committed on a set of core values the company will be able to work more efficiently.

Marketing, culture design, and culture are all aspects that go hand-in-hand. In order for these diverse business goals to be able to meet, a clear strategy must be established from the top down.

What is the best way to define your company’s Brand Identity?

A brand’s identity doesn’t emerge from the air. It requires meticulous planning and careful consideration. It is necessary to employ an employee as well as, if you have enough money, you might have to engage an expert. This asset of your business can unify your product design, marketing and communication with customers. This is crucial. It’s not time-wasting not thinking it through.

These are steps to get you started:

  1. Make a long list of keywords that will represent your brand’s image (right today). Ask your entire team to take part in this process. Use whiteboards, Google doc, or spreadsheets to sketch your ideas — or whatever you believe is the most effective for sharing ideas.
  2. Make a long list of key words that define the way you want your brand appear. Continue the procedure of engaging the whole team. Examine your two lists and consider the gaps between your current self and what you’d like to become.
  3. Cut down the large list of keywords to just a few important phrases. It’s a long and tedious process and time-consuming, but there’s no way you can depend on a myriad of terms to describe your business. The bottom line is that humans are going to be processing the information. If you overload them with the amount of information they’re able to manage, you’ll end up in a bind.
  4. Create a message structure. What is it? This is a set of goals for communication that outlines your brand’s top attributes that are highly impactful. The attributes and the terms are part of the larger discussion that is needed to create a concrete, common terms (not only conceptual concepts). There’s no standard way to develop your brand’s messaging structure. Choose a strategy that is in line with the goals of your business. Be sure to ensure that you’re communicating (and managing) the identity of your brand in a clear and concise manner.
  5. Create an outline of style. The document will convert the ideas you have in your head into a set of guidelines for your marketing team. This (short and simple) document will unite the brand’s message. It’s only a few lines to ensure that your business is together.

The idea is simple. The more information your team does not have to sort through, the better they will be able to concentrate on developing an effective marketing strategy.

Avoiding Cheesiness

It’s easy to change emotions from being effective to a bit embarrassing. It’s an art. At one point your brand does well in creating a relationship. In the next, The public is laughing at your company’s outrageous marketing campaign.

What can you do to avoid this?

  1. Encourage honesty in your company. Let your employees to provide clear and truthful perspectives.
  2. Get feedback from a range of people. Don’t limit yourself to listening to the baby boomers in your company. Get the Gen the Xers, and Gen Yers to discuss ideas, too.
  3. You can test your marketing messages face-to-face with a small group of people who you can trust. The focus group should be asked to provide honest and straightforward feedback.
  4. Keep in mind the requirements of your target audience. For instance, baby boomers are more open to marketing messages that are cheesy than other demographics. Gen Yers? They’ll tear up your marketing.

The definition of cheesiness lies in the eyes of the viewer. The best method to connect with your customers is to put your marketing team into their in their shoes.

Making viral campaigns

Certain brands make their viral marketing looks so simple. Dollar Shave Club for example, made an amusing marketing video to grow their base of customers. Overnight. Literally.

It’s true that the viral campaigns for marketing are much more formal than they appear. Although performance can’t be assured, brands can increase the chances to succeed by hitting an emotional connection with their clients.

In an Harvard Business Review article, Kelsey Libert and Kristin Tynski outline ways that marketers can improve the odds of successful campaign by creating viral content:

  1. Engage people to care (and make them share). Engage them with a compelling message, without trying to promote your brand. The use of branding in excess could turn off viewers. They’ll dismiss the content as unprofessional and rapidly fade away from the content. Do not manipulate the emotions of your audience. Be respectful of them and make an efforts to comprehend their basic needs.
  2. Learn about the emotions that determine the popularity of viral content. Patterns are a fundamental element of human nature. That’s the reason Libert and Tynski carried out a study of 30 of the most popular 100 images from (as they were voted on by the most popular social sharing website Reddit). Positive emotions were more often present in the viral media as opposed to positive ones. But, the viral effect was not necessarily negative if these negative emotions had the element of anticipation and excitement. Certain emotions were typical in viral material (and some were not common). Common emotions were fascination, wonderment, curiosity and awe and admiration.
  3. Create your brand’s image into an emotional experience without being slick. It is important to consider how your business, products and services connect to the people you want to reach. You must choose topics that highlight the importance that your company’s brand is in.
  4. Be aware of what is good for the community.

The world is larger than your company. Make sure you add something valuable to this world and your clients will notice.

Delight is the Unspoken Power Of Delight

Delight is a powerful force that is far more effective than any advertising message. It’s watching a toddler play with smartphones at first. This is what happens when you go to your favourite boutique (after having a rough day) and you are surrounded by shelves of stunning items as well as great music. This is when Zappos delights customers with fast delivery.

Certain leaders are portrayed as something unimportant. But it’s not. It is directly connected to the bottom line of your business. You probably aren’t able to determine the connection between exposure to the purple light at areas like the Virgin Airlines check-in area and the profitability of your business. However, really, who cares? We are aware that happiness can influence sales. It’s not worth the time to track numbers and micromanage the particulars. Concentrate on expanding your business by making memorable branding experiences.

The process of creating delight isn’t a random event. It’s meticulously crafted into the key essential areas of your company:

  • Product
  • Marketing
  • Client services and account management
  • Aesthetics

Delight may strike a chord with these emotions:

  • Humor
  • Inspiration
  • Admiration
  • Awe
  • Surprise

The issue with joy is that it’s -by definition -an ambiguous notion. The revenue and finance teams might question your arguments on the subject. Your marketing and sales teams may be on board however, your numbers crunchers? Not much. If asked about your goals you must distill your goals into a series of actionable steps. Here are the steps required to provide a memorable brand experience

  • Examine your customer’s problems. Review their online and offline behaviors, study what they require and put together the various touch points that show their distinct pathways to conversion. Speak to them directly and build personas for your brand from the information you get.
  • Determine your brand’s identity. Consider the research you conducted in the first step and convert the data into a specific set of steps. The information you’ve gathered into a few phrases about your business.
  • Begin to brainstorm ideas for action items that will provide the desired brand experience.

The quality of your branding is something your business should be measuring on the macro-level. Take note of the general patterns in your customer information:

  • Recurring Customers How many customers make repeat purchases with your business?
  • “Word of Mouth Recommendations: Shares via social media can assist you to measure this crucial idea. This isn’t an exact 1:1 correlation however, they are an excellent indicator of the number of people that are engaging with, and ultimately recommend your company’s brand.
  • Average Order Values Look at the amount customers spend on each transaction. It is a good sign when you can see an increase over time.
  • Lifetime Customer Values Do your marketing strategies increasing the value that your business is earning over the long term?
  • Market Share How does your brand compare to the top brands? Are customers loyal to your brand or shifting to other companies?

Delight is a concept you can design in tandem with the personality of your brand. Delight is the piece that is centered on customers while personality is the piece that represents your brand.

Becoming ethical

There’s a line of distinction between wooing customers and manipulating them. Be aware that emotions can make us vulnerable. Whatever strength we believe we are, we’re quite a mess. When it comes to appealing to the emotions of customers Brands are always walking the line. It is vital to show your customers the highest respect.

Fear is a prime instance of a powerful, yet frequently abused emotion.

In some cases there are instances when fear is the right thing to do. Especially when it comes to vital health concerns, companies/brands/nonprofits have an obligation to inspire emotion. The ad by the CDC for instance, is intended to discourage smokers from:

The primary factor that determines whether someone is likely to act to stop an attack is the effectivenessthe perception of a person about the possibility that they are able to take action to stop the threat.

Business owners and marketers can actually entice customers into buying. But is this moral? Most likely not, but if you’re using fear tactics absolutely no. If you’re sharing something that’s truthful (and perhaps protecting your customers from the worst of problems) Then fear is acceptable.

The most important thing is to put your brand a value-test. Are your marketing messages adding value or gaining value from the environment? If you’re generating value (like the leech) then you must modify your strategy.

Logitech is a good example of a brand that does this perfectly. Here’s an advertisement for a security system that is home-based system based around the concerns people are currently asking their parents. In addressing the customers’ concerns, the marketing message is reassuring because it reassures parents who are worried that they’re not the only ones in their anxieties.

Logitech also launched an “busted” online campaign to expose potential customers to genuine, actual dangers. Unscrupulous? Maybe not. The campaign might cause you to think about buying the Logitech camera.

This is an instance of ad that pushes fear to the limit. The ad states “If you’re not totally clean, you’re filthy”.

The advertisement is questionable as it’s not reasonable. Yes we’re coated in germs. But are we covered with disgusting cockroaches and do we allow those naughty bugs to crawl over our children? Most likely not.

It’s true that a lot of people are scared of insects like cockroaches, and others. They’re likely to be scared and even shivered after seeing this extremely untrue advertisement.

One of the points we made in the past is that emotions expose our most vulnerable areas. Marketers must handle their emotions carefully and carefully. It’s impossible to predict who you could likely make extremely angry.

Incorporate Emotions into Your Brand Your Community

Social media is an excellent opportunity to let customers share their thoughts and feeling, especially about your business. It’s essential to keep this conversation open. You’ll encourage word-of-mouth marketing about your brand. An issue could arise, when customers become unhappy about an experience they had.

Many companies will rush into removing negative feedback or transferring all communications from customers into a private discussion forum.

Do not do it.

If a problem occurs, take advantage of the situation to demonstrate that there’s someone who is actually who is behind the brand. Make the mistake of apologizing, making the situation betterand find a mutually acceptable solution. Don’t let a negative complaint or review deter you from having a conversation with your customers on public forums. Instead, show your genuineness and show that you truly care. Be open to emotion and emotions and remain calm even when the conversation gets hot.

FedEx did an excellent job in achieving this balance the summer of 2012, when a video of a negligent driver for delivering packages was viewed by millions in YouTube. The company issued an official statement video that basically said, “I’m sorry. We’re working on it”.

Make sure you own your mistakes. If nothing else works you should make it a priority to show you care.

The most important takeaways:
  1. People buy based on what they feel, not necessarily what they’re thinking.
  2. The power of emotions is crucial for marketing. Business owners and marketers should ensure that they’re connecting with their customers in a human-to-human way.
  3. It is difficult to quantify emotions. People who are adamant about finance are likely to be skeptical about your marketing efforts. If you listen to them, however, your company will miss out on valuable relationship-building experiences.
  4. A business should invest the time to establish the brand’s personality in the beginning, starting from the top to the bottom. The style guides as well as the message structure templates can aid your business to establish a central process for the marketing of all your company’s channels.
  5. Be aware that the culture of your business can also determine your brand. Your employees are the ones who implement your company’s branding strategy on a daily level , across all aspects of your business, including customer communications sales, to customer communication, as well as social media. Be sure to hire those who represent your company’s fundamental values and values.
  6. It is possible to measure satisfaction as well as brand loyalty and satisfaction with customers by analyzing macro-level ROI metrics, such as the long-term value of customers, the average order value, market share, as well as mentions on social media.
  7. The emotions of our lives are a source of vulnerability. Be a good sport and avoid being an irritant. Be aware that there are public consequences for the actions you take as a persona.
  8. Social media provides a platform that allows your customers to express what they’re thinking and thinking and. Don’t hinder this vital conversation. It’s completely normal for people to be anger and sometimes frustrated. Don’t be compelled to dismiss the opinions of your customers. Concentrate on solving the issue and addressing the issue openly and engaging with your viewers in a human manner.


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