Email Marketing

Sendinblue Review 2021: Is Sendinblue the Best Email Marketing Service?

Find out how to make use of the Sendinblue email marketing software to expand quickly.

If you’re an owner of an online store either in the present or the future, you don’t have to know about the benefits of email marketing, which is believed to be among the most effective marketing strategies on the internet. Sendinblue is among the most well-known and user-friendly email marketing services You can choose to use this method for advertising your store online, and it was suggested as a fantastic option Alternative to Mailchimp and Even for AWeber . I’ve put the details of my Sendinblue review in the post, but before getting into it, I’d like to briefly address another crucial aspect with regards to marketing online.

While this isn’t that is revolutionary or undiscovered Many marketers online fail to grasp the importance and significance of analytics in relation in their digital business. From this angle I recommend that you take a look at one of my most recent blog articles: 7 Must-Have Ecommerce Analytics Tools.

Note from the Editor: The article was first published on January 21st the 21st of January, 2015. It has since been completely rewritten and updated to ensure accuracy and completeness.


Sendinblue can be an extremely well-known email marketing platforms that are available today.

Not just is Sendinblue made to be easy and accessibility, it also provides an affordable email service for companies with all sizes and backgrounds. In fact Sendinblue is a great choice for businesses of all sizes and backgrounds. Sendinblue tool is among the most affordable available and also offers a simple free plan for novices as well. If you’re in search of an option that provides the ideal combination of SMS campaigns, WordPress interoperability, and opt-in options This could be the perfect tool for you. If you move from a basic package to the “Lite” service for your small business, you’ll also have access to an amazing email service starting as low than $25/month.

Do not worry The Sendinblue plugin will make sure that you reap the benefits of emails when you combine them with your website and landing page builders too.


Sendinblue Pros (User Reviews)

Most of the time the majority of users are extremely satisfied about the experience they enjoy with The Sendinblue. The price of the program is reasonable however it is worth noting that it is equipped with some amazing analytics tools as well.

Other benefits are:

  • Sendinblue is a robust and flexible email automation functions.
  • The Sendinblue premium plan includes an additional landing page builder that allows for the creation and revision of landing page designs.
  • There are a variety of appealing template designs as well as design software that you can utilize to make the email design and review process much simpler.
  • Sendinblue’s customer support teams review issues raised and respond swiftly through email (, live chat, and phone.
  • In comparison to its price reviews of its competitors, Sendinblue plans are priced reasonably.
  • Sendinblue comes with an affordable plan that comes with email automation and contact management capabilities.
Sendinblue Cons ( User Reviews)

Unfortunately, every software for marketing via email such as Sendinblue, has some drawbacks. In particular, the program isn’t as advanced as with other auto responder applications available today. In addition the UI could take some time to become familiar with.

The issues include:

  • SendinBlue allows only a few integrations.
  • A learning curve for some users may not be as easy as it might be
  • Mergers with limited functionality and auto responders
  • Our tests of review found a couple of issues with email delivery the company the company continues to face.
Sendinblue Review: Pricing

Sendinblue provides SMS plans, email plans, as well as IP plans. They also offer IP plans. Sendinblue IP plans permit digitally signing your email and taking complete control of the IP’s reputation. It is possible to use it in the future however, for the moment our primary review focus is on email plans.

For a start, you’ll be eligible to sign up to this “Sendinblue” marketing service for no cost. It’s unlimited in terms of contacts however there is a send limit. The plans move until that Enterprise plans, that comes with customized pricing you’ll need to work out using The Sendinblue app. One of the most costly plans that has an actual cost at $66 per month.

The Sendinblue price plans can be adapted and come with no commitments. Also, you don’t need to input your credit card in order to start.

For the specifics of your plan What you can do is follow these guidelines to consider:

  • Free – $0 per month for 300 emails per day. There’s no limit to the number of contacts you get, and you’ll also will receive things like marketing automation as well as the email templates library and an editor for mobiles.
  • Basic – $25 per month for 40000 email messages per month. There’s no limit on daily emails and you’ll get everything included in the prior Plan. plan.
  • Essential Essential 39 dollars monthly for all the features of the old plans, plus the elimination from Sendinblue’s Sendinblue Logo and the ability to track advanced statistics.
  • Premium – This Sendinblue plan begins with just $66 per month however it can be priced higher depending on the number of emails you wish to send out each month. With the price of $66, you can have a great allowance of up to 120,000 messages for each month. It also has no limit in marketing automation, and you have all the features that were available in prior plans.
  • Enterprise – This version offers a custom quantity and a custom-made price. It has an account manager who is dedicated to sendinblue administrator for your account.

Our previous reviews highlighted the Pay-as-you-go service offered by Sendinblue, but it’s no more available.

Now I’ll give you a detailed evaluation of email marketing service Sendinblue. mail marketing services:

How to Make Use of Sendinblue Highlight Features from Sendinblue?

Sendinblue provides an automated email marketing and automation solution specifically designed for modern day business.

Contrary to other tools developed with the intent to dominate this world Sendinblue used a distinct method of doing so in focusing on the user experience and ease of use over advanced and complex features. It doesn’t mean you won’t find the latest solutions through the Sendinblue mail marketing program. There’s just lower learning curve for this software as you’d encounter with other competitors such as HubSpot as well as Klaviyo.

Sendinblue provides small and medium-sized companies with automation, SMS campaigns email drip programs, and much more.

When you run your own web-based store it’s essential to have an email list as well as a marketing tools. Sendinblue offers the ability to market your email, but it also offers better than the competitors. You can, for instance, get the ability to manage contacts, transactional messages (welcome emails as well as order confirmation emails, or shipping notification emails) and automated marketing campaigns. It is also possible to benefit from the SMS or IP programs if trying to improve your marketing strategies.


However, it’s important to note that Sendinblue It has considered into consideration the European GDPR regulations into consideration and received a certification of compliance. So, you can be sure that the law becomes effective on the 25th of April. Th in May, 2019. Sendinblue ensures its users in Europe compliance with all GDPR regulations. . This means that it will continue to manage data , while taking into consideration the right to access and the right to object, the right of portability right be forgotten and right to rectification and many other rights that are associated under the law.


It’s quite impressive, I have to be honest. However, it’s not the only thing new to be found here. If you’ve read our latest “Sendinblue: The New Software” Reviews, you may have noticed the trends the software has been keeping track of lately.

I can assure that today’s Sendinblue isn’t like the one from last year. The company continues to conduct reviews of its complete features, and continually introduces new functions to enhance Sendinblue‘s effectiveness as a tool for marketing.

What is Sendinblue?

So, what exactly is the latest Sendinblue model of the software offer?

Sendinblue’s Features: How Does Sendinblue Work?

  • Support Support for HTML0: In addition to Live chat support, users can also contact the Support team through the online messaging system. Phone support is also accessible. The site also has an extensive knowledge base that includes instructions and guidelines that cover all aspects of.
  • The Landing Page Editor: Premium and Enterprise plans include an editor for landing pages which can be useful in making your own custom landing pages. You can decide to create your own from scratch or just use the templates that are available to make the process more simple.
  • Integrations It can be integrated with a variety of third-party software such as marketing, CRM, payment and E-commerce tools. In addition, to make it even more complete the service gives you access to a range of additional services via it’s Zapier integration.
  • DMARC, DKIM, and SPF Authentication
  • Bounce management: The Sendinblue service gives logs of hard and soft bounces. The hard bounces are blocked automatically.
  • E-mail Preview You will be able to see how the email you send appears in various clients prior to when you’re ready to send the email.
  • Multilingual The Sendinblue‘s main site is available in six languages.
  • Analytics and Reports: You get all the crucial reports you’ll require to monitor your marketing campaigns, comprising Google Analytics reports, as along with geo-tracking and click-map information.
  • Delivery ability Going according to the numerous tests that we conducted, Sendinblue managed a good score for email deliverability. We noticed that it was having issues with delivering some mails in Outlook or Hotmail.
  • Opt-In and opt-out forms: The signup forms on Sendinblue are very active, and feature advanced functions such as captcha verification and auto-population. You can also give your prospects the option of selecting particular mailing lists they’d like choosing to join.
  • List Management The ability to handle your lists of mailers according to the demographics of your customers, their behaviors (actions performed) and lead scores. If you’re managing a lot of leads at the same time You can make use of Sendinblue‘s multi-parameter filtering tool that lets you sort them in a specific way.
  • Automating Email: Sendinblue is built to provide powerful and highly flexible capabilities for automation of emails. The workflow editor, as an example allows you to identify prospects based on their web actions, web behavior and email engagement as well as contact information. To ensure accuracy it is possible to test them prior to activation. The leading scoring method is extremely precise.
  • Transactional emails: You can set your system to send transactional emails that contain items like receipts and purchase confirmations- via the SMTP.
  • Templates By default Sendinblue has 65 templates that are professionally designed.
  • email types Apart from the traditional email, Sendinblue supports SMS marketing messages, A/B testing email transactional emails, and auto-responder emails .
  • Personalization There numerous flexible ways to personalize the messages you email to your prospects. For instance, you can create advanced custom conditions with “If/Then/Else” parameters, which may require some programming on Excel.
  • email editor: Sendinblue is a user-friendly design builder and an intuitive drag-and-drop editor for email, that is loaded with a variety of pre-set elements.

[/su_column][/su_row] Fair enough. But how reliable is it? Sendinblue As an email marketing tool? What can you do with its tools to create campaigns, run, manage and evaluate your campaigns?


So, let’s look over Sendinblue’s fundamental functions and overall usability in depth:

Sendinblue Review: Ease of Use

The user interface for instance, is almost certainly designed in the same design principles we’ve previously discussed in the past “Sendinblue” reviews.

Like the name suggests, there’s lots of blue in every part of Sendinblue layout, and it is a pattern that alternates with white areas. To help you identify the most important control elements, Sendinblue has utilized different shades. However they all blend to create a clean and minimalist layout.

Now, the Sendinblue Dashboards have been designed to provide you with crucial insight right away. In addition to the number of contacts you have it will allow you to track the number of people who’ve read your email, the amount of people who have opened your emails, and, perhaps more importantly there’s a number of contacts that are blacklisted.


However, it’s not only about contacts. Alongside that figures review part, Sendinblue outlines your trigger and SMS marketing and marketing via email. Additionally, it provides a set of shortcuts to set the additional campaigns.

If you’d like to speedily go through your campaigns from the past, Sendinblue has put together a list of past campaigns on the bottom of the dashboard.

Moving forward, One of things that you could be looking to start with is the creation of a contact list. The good news is that Sendinblue can be kind enough to allow different ways for doing this.

It is possible to jump in and start entering the information manually. You can also avoid the hassle of import using an .csv or .txt file. Also, since a generic CSV layout could make things more difficult for you, Sendinblue avails a relevant template.

Unfortunately, you do not have the possibility of import contacts directly from a mailing list. So, if you’ve got one then you’ll have to convert it first into .csv or .txt before you can transfer the data in sendinblue.

It’s true that the entire procedure is very simple and easy. However, these emotions may last only a few minutes as the process is a little different once you reach Sendinblue’s Sendinblue automated function.

Let’s talk about one issue. We’d surely be happy with a basic automated system. But here’s the problem when I’ve conducted review of various advertising tools I’ve discovered that the most basic options have very few flexibility for customization. If you’re looking to build a completely customized system, you’ll need to navigate the complexity of the most advanced automation engines.

It’s true, Sendinblue’s automation framework isn’t only robust, but it is also adaptable. Therefore, you can bet that you won’t have an effortless time in the beginning. The process of creating the best sequence of triggers for your marketing campaign, and then writing the appropriate sequence of messages takes some time.

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t, but. Sendinblue‘s automated system is a bit difficult as you begin your journey. It is possible to master the process after a couple of cycles of adjustments.

In order to keep track of all of that, Sendinblue It has a notification system that will notify users when data is deleted or saved. It’s an especially useful option when you want to monitor the work of your team.


It could turn out to be quite frustrating. If that happens it is possible to change the settings of Sendinblue and turn off the feature.

Creating Email Marketing Campaigns on Sendinblue

The entire process of creating emails for marketing is fluid, with a variety of different layers and options. The first step involves defining the sender’s name, the sender’s email, subject for email and, obviously the name of the campaign.

If you wish to define additional parameters, you can go into the more advanced section and alter elements such as tags, custom fields, and unsubscribe hyperlinks.

When you move to the next email design phase, you’ll see the fact that Sendinblue has three options available. There’s a basic text editor designed for HTML coders, an ordinary drag-and-drop editor, and my personal favorite, a simple design builder.

Okay, I’m guessing the two sounds are one thing. However, the truth is, they’re two distinct tools made available by Sendinblue..

I love the design builder due to its general responsiveness and easy operation. It’s specifically designed for mobile users and offers a variety of email templates.

While marketing emails are typically composed of texts, Sendinblue seemingly is very attentive to its pictures. It has an outstanding image editor, whose features certainly outdo what we’ve discussed in our other email marketing tools reviews.

Sendinblue Review: Setting Up Your Campaigns

Making the ideal email to send out your drip campaigns is only the beginning stage in implementing a marketing strategy that is effective. Once you’ve created your email exactly the way you like it then you’ll have to consider the best way to send the content to your intended audience.

There are two options when using Sendinblue. The first option is to transmit your message to all in a particular contact list. Another option is to forward your messages to certain segments of an array. This is accomplished by choosing a specific “condition” for the message. For instance, your message could only be sent to customers who clicked the link in your previous message or purchased a particular item from your shop.

One of the great things about Sendinblue is that it allows users test a draft version of your campaign prior to you decide to send it out to the world at large. In the end, you aren’t going to want to share material that will cause your company to look unprofessional. With such a low-cost tool, Sendinblue provides a highly controlled level of control over the way you organize and distribute your campaigns.

Another advantage one is you’ll be able to be at ease knowing that the messages you compose using the appropriate builder tools look just as great on smartphones like they will on your computer or laptop.

For an engaging drip campaign, you’ll have to utilize toThe Sendinblue automated features and prepare every message ahead of time, and then making a sequence of events that trigger every piece of content you want to be sent. The process is much simpler than you think, but it does require some adjustments than you’d require to send a standard message.

Plus, the automation setup also allows you to send SMS messages along with your emails to increase your chances of interacting with the appropriate viewers.

Furthermore, when you’ve got all set up and running by automating your campaigns, then you can allow them running without involvement for a short period of time at the very least until you’re ready to check the effectiveness of your campaigns through your analytics and reports.

Sendinblue review: Sending your Campaigns

The most crucial aspect of the process of creating effective marketing campaigns via email is the ability to analyze your emails and figure out what’s working to promote your company’s image.

Sendinblue can assist with this , by providing an essential set of tools for reporting to analyze. With the tools provided, you are able to examine the number of email’s opens, clicks and subscribers, and even complaints. In comparison to other basic tools for marketing the SendinBlue service is very sophisticated, particularly because it gives information about the location which areas your emails are opened.

Sendinblue will also go over and above by providing you an understanding of the way your emails are earning you money. When you know the pages that are frequently clicked and then you can create an improved strategy on the best places to place important CTAs as well as buttons.

A heat map is that you can access for clicked links It’s a heat map that you can access however, you’re able to get access to this feature if you’ve got an account of higher quality that is associated with The Sendinblue and you should expect to pay a bit more to access advanced analytics.

If you’re sending transactionsal emails You can also access some interesting data on the percentage of your emails that have “soft” bouncing, and how many of them experience hard bounces.

One of the most valuable aspects of the analytics and reporting service offered by Sendinblue is that you can dig more deeply into the specifics about your “openers and clickers.” Also you can find out who is actually using your email.

When you look at where you are in the world where your openers and clickers are from, at what time of the day they usually check their email and which device they utilize to check their emails You can start to enhance your optimization efforts to improve future campaigns.

Sendinblue’s Contact Management

In contrast to pro-level features such as the landing page editor unlimited contact management is available with every one of the Sendinblue prices plans which includes its free package.

This review has already discussed the procedure of making an email list. But, there’s no doubt. Contact management is more than that.

For example in the case of GDPR , and similar regulations it is important to ensure that each your contacts have signed up to your email lists prior to sending out emails.

The lists you make are input into the automation engine in order to assist Sendinblue You should to the appropriate people.


Although marketing automation is included in all plans Free, Liteand Essentialplan users are not able to create workflows that include more than 2000 contacts. It’s a bit daunting this could be an enormous number for a small-sized company.

However, if you are able to be in excess of that, you should consider switching to the premium plan. Premiumplan. Its workflows can handle unlimited numbers of contacts.

Sendinblue Review: Transactional Messaging

If there’s something that truly makes Sendinblue above the other automated and email marketing tools available – it’s probably the ability to send transactional messages. This feature makes Sendinblue a standout among other tools. Sendinblue tool an excellent complement to any marketing strategy. While it is possible to find significant solutions for managing contact and automation using tools such as Active Campaign or Get Response Few companies can have the capability to compete against Sendinblue‘s transactions-based emails.

If you’re unfamiliar with the concept of transactional email they are the emails you send out as part of your sales cycle or your strategy. They give customers access to receipts of payments email confirmations of orders and much more.

Why are these messages so important?

They keep you’re the customers interested in your company’s image, foremost. In addition transactions-related emails receive eight per cent more attention than other messages. Yet, a shocking amount of marketers either ignore or do not think about their transactional emails completely.

However, Sendinblue is a great alternative. an alternative method. It allows businesses to automate the sending of transactional emails to various crucial customer interactions, such as purchases, receipts, subscriptions as well as sign-ups and much more. The reports also provide you with the exact number of your messages end in their inboxes, instead of the junk folder.

For many business owners the use of transactional emails is what set Sendinblue above the other email software options available.

Sendinblue Review: Improving Deliverability

Even the most effective email marketing tools won’t do much good for your company If your emails aren’t reaching the people you want to reach. Making sure your message is delivered to the inboxes of your customers you want to reach isn’t always as easy to get accomplished.

It’s good news for email marketers of today, Sendinblue has the solution to your delivery problems. Sendinblue has designed several features designed to improve deliverability rates. For example the message that you include within your campaign that triggers the hard bounce of customers will be removed from the blacklist to prevent your sending any more messages this way. Additionally, you’ll be able filter your contact list based on the frequency with which they’ve been engaged by sending a message during the last 6-12 months.

If they don’t appear respond to your content after a few weeks You’ll be able to either target them by launching a short re-engagement campaign or eliminate the list completely.

One of the features offered by Sendinblue that can be very beneficial in terms of the ability to deliver marketing emails, is the ability to connect to specific IP addresses. If you already have an Enterprise account, you’ll be granted an exclusive IP address instantly. If you’re unable to pay for that service but you’re not worried, there’s a solution. Sendinblue will permit you to buy a separate IP address for one annual fee.

There are a variety of elements in an email marketing campaign that influence the delivery rate, Sendinblue won’t be able to guarantee an increase in inbox rate. But, what the software does is to ensure that you’ve got the tools required to increase the effectiveness of your email campaigns as much as is possible.

Sendinblue also provides instructions and documentation which can assist you improve your deliverability strategies, one step at a.


Sendinblue Review: Other Noteworthy Features

Integrating with the ShopifyPrestashopMagento and WooCommerce are very simple to configure thanks to the plugins.

Sendinblue’s capability for sending transactional email (order as well as dispatch notifications, etc.) is a different feature not supported by a lot of email marketing applications. A unique feature is the capability to send SMS messages for transactions directly to your store. (You must be charged extra for this feature , but it is an extremely beneficial feature when it is integrated directly with your store’s operations).

Sendinblue Review: Customer Service and Support

Even email marketing masterminds need help sometimes.

As with all program, Sendinblue isn’t foolproof, there’s a chance that something might occur when using the software or know how to utilize the specific software. It’s good to know that Sendinblue offers a variety of solutions for those who require assistance in getting the most value from their investment.

For instance, go to Sendinblue’s Sendinblue assistance center with plenty of tips and guidelines on how you can make use of your account, manage your email and SMS campaigns, and also create transactional emails, as well as other options.

If you’re dealing with an issue more specific to your situation that you are unable to resolve with an approach that is DIY, you can submit your queries and suggestions to Sendinblue via the ticketing system.

There’s a number to call however it’s only meant to be used for support or help. On the other hand, you can reach out to Sendinblue on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn if you’re having trouble getting a response from them via email ( Twitter is likely to be the best option for speedy customer service.

Sendinblue Review: Integrations

Sendinblue It is a great choice to integrate with other useful applications that you may require to get the most out of your marketing via email. For example, Sendinblue has a “featured” integration with Magneto that will automatically connect all of the Magneto clients to the Sendinblue Account. Additionally, you can access useful connections through tools such as Drupal, WordPressWooCommerceOptinmonster or even Salesforce.

Other connections that Sendinblue can support are:

Check out what kinds of interaction you can have here.

Don’t overlook the fact that Sendinblue also provides access to an API that is open for developers who wish to integrate elements or all of Sendinblue experience in their workplace applications too.

Sendinblue: Security and Protection

It’s hard to find ample details about Sendinblue’s security policies and privacy policies.

However, you can be sure you’re safe. Sendinblue data centers are protected by 24/7 video surveillance and, should there be any incident, all videos as well as the activity records and logs that the company is able to access are analyzed. Furthermore, Sendinblue has an intrusion detection system in each data center.

Apart from security for data centers, Sendinblue also provides strong protection in the form of SSL technology that keeps your information secure and encrypted. Furthermore Sendinblue is committed to remaining GDPR-compliant, which means you’ll be able to rest assured that your personal data will not be shared with any other brands.

To guard the users from being targeted by spammers Sendinblue additionally has an un-tolerance policy to anyone who tries to distribute spam to their customers. It is important to ensure that every person on your list of contacts has signed in to receive email from you. Furthermore, Sendinblue will be able to terminate accounts suspected of being spammers, without notice.

Sendinblue Alternatives

While as great as Sendinblue is for businesses seeking the best solution to automate and market their emails, it has some features, it’s not for every person. The tool may not have the appropriate number of emails that you can use for your business or you may require something that has greater HTML and CSS personalization on your pages for opt-ins. The positive side? There are many alternatives to Sendinblue that you could consider as an alternative. Here are some of our top picks.


HubSpot Marketing Hub

As with Sendinblue, HubSpot is a easy-to-use digital marketing platform, with a an affordable free plan designed for those who are new to the field. It is packed with features, including an efficient email service, sign-up of forms, and opt-in options, HubSpot makes it simple to draw and convert leads online. You can also connect your HubSpot email to CRM to create an individual approach to each welcome email as well as a follow-up message. The drag-and-drop editor in HubSpot allows simplicity when creating the perfect email marketing campaigns to send a range of emails. Furthermore, you will discover inspiration in a collection of great goal-oriented templates. Are you trying to determine which emails have the greatest effect on your customers? Do not worry, you can make use of the built-in analytics as well as A/B testing to aid in this. Make sure to utilize your CRM data to improve and segment your emails as well.


  • Support up to 2,000 emails per month
  • Editor that is easy to use and comes with email templates
  • Alternative to utilize to use the HubSpot free CRM to manage your list segmentation
  • A wide range of features for automation.
  • A lot of personalization


  • Some features require a payment account (i.e. A/B testing)
  • It can be an initial learning curve.

Active Campaign

Active Campaign is a fantastic online tool for small-scale entrepreneurs that require the ability to access everything from advertisements on Facebook to SMS-based campaigns. If you require more than you obtain through the Sendinblue plugin and you are looking for a more comprehensive solution, Active Campaign is a great option. It provides a wide array of CRM and sales technologies as well as email marketing tools along with marketing automation.

If you’re looking to test before buying, Active Campaign comes with a two-week trial for free to help you get started. If that trial expires the plans are affordable starting at just $17 for the light option, which includes unlimited emailing for up to three users.

If you think about the wide variety of capabilities you receive, such as the ability to provide uptime SLA support, telephone customer assistance, free social data and more, it’s easy to say that you’ll get lots of value out of the purchase of an Active Campaign purchase.



  • An extensive range of high-quality tools on offer
  • Choice of plans to select from (good price)
  • A free trial is available to test the service.
  • Excellent customer service and sales features
  • Perfect to integrate


  • Some sort of learning curve
  • The Enterprise model of the software is rather expensive

Convert Kit

Convert kit is an automation and marketing tool that is specifically designed for users looking for an alternative that is reliable in place of Sendinblue, Mailchimp, and other leading market players. While it’s a new product in comparison to its other competitors, Convert Kit has a strong name in the market due to its user-friendly interface and its outstanding performance.

If you are familiar with your way through WordPress plug-ins, HTML and unsubscribe buttons, or not Convert Kit can help you attract and convert as many potential customers as you can by incorporating features such as advanced automation rules that incorporate graphic workflows and email blasting and landing pages or forms.

Controlling subscribers and customizing your emails to fit their preferences is easy using Convert Kit. Furthermore, the tool offers access to a many options for integration, including tools such as WooCommerce, Shopify, and other.


  • A great design that is easy to use for novices.
  • A wide range of lead pages and landing pages.
  • Simple interface
  • Advanced options for automation


  • A rather restricted platform for advanced users
  • There aren’t many customization options
A Weber

A Weber is among the top sought-after marketing tools for email on the internet. It is a reputable tool and provides hundreds of email templates to pick from, which is ideal for people who are looking to start their journey online as fast as they can.

for business owners and companies looking to get started cultivating leads and turning them into leads as fast as they can AWeber is simple to use, and loaded with features that are useful. You can access all kinds of tools for managing campaigns that include a drag-and-drop editor to automated follow-up strategies. You can also design your own sign-up forms , and also segment your subscribers.

AWeber provides a variety of custom options for your email including fonts, pages, and even emails. Furthermore you can create a variety of great auto responders that will keep your customers interested and connected. But, AWeber isn’t necessarily the most affordable software available.


  • Design that is simple to use
  • Many customization options and templates
  • Amazing range of automation options
  • Segmentation, reporting and A/B testing is built-in
  • A well-known brand


  • It’s not the most value-for-money the money.
  • Some templates are superior than others.
  • Segmentation may be a bit limited.
Constant Contact

Not to be left out we’ll take a glance at Constant Contact.

The popular and well-known email marketing tool is a potent tool for marketing through email with a range of innovative methods to segment your target customers and send them precisely-targeted emails. The marketing automation feature that comes in Constant Contact means that you can ensure that you are communicating with your customers in the right way in every email.

Constant Contact provides the ability to customize registration forms with high deliverability rates, A/B testing, as well as access to reports about things like the amount of open, forwards clicks, forwards. It is also possible to integrate Constant Contact with a range of top software choices like WordPress or QuickBooks.


  • Many Integration options
  • Many opportunities for personalization of emails
  • Effective segmentation and management of customers
  • Ease of use
  • Good customer support



  • Reporting and tracking features are limited.
  • Not as many tools and integrations as other tools.
  • Not the most cost-effective option.

Mail chimp

Email chimp is among the most well-known tools for marketing email online currently. If you’re a smaller company that is launching an email marketing method for the very first times or an enterprise with a huge budget likely to have heard of Mail chimp. With numerous tools for double opt-in, real-time analytics , and numerous other features, Mail Chimp is an excellent method to take your lead generation to the next level.

Mail chimp has a range of different options for campaigns to think about, such as simple-text messages, RSS messages, regular mailers, etc. You can also test A/B your messages to determine which one produces the best outcomes. Mail chimp lets you personalize your email messages and send them at the right people Additionally, there’s a free plan for novices, which allows you to send at least 12,000 messages every month.

While Mail Chimp isn’t cheap or most extensive marketing tool for email but it’s an excellent option for people who are dipping their toes into the world of email in the beginning.


  • Many options for segmentation and individualization
  • A/B testing and detailed reports
  • Design that is simple to use
  • Free plan available


  • Limited customer support
  • Inquire about some CSS expertise
  • Continuous design updates can be difficult to keep up with.

Sendinblue FAQ:

How do you use Sendinblue?

It’s a user-friendly application, packed with tips and guides to help you start your campaigns. After you’ve signed up with SendInblue, you’ll have to confirm your account, transfer your contact sand then complete your profile. After you’ve completed your profile then you can start creating your own campaigns using the easy drag-and-drop editor.

Are Sendinblue free?

Sendinblue provides a no-cost package which allows companies to send as much as 300 emails per day to an unlimited amount of contacts. You can get rid of the limitation for as low as $5 per month and you can upgrade at any time.

How do I configure Sendinblue?

There are many ways that users can take to customize their Sendinblue account. After you’ve registered to create an account, add the contacts you have on the Sendinblue profile, then complete your profile, and then schedule the campaign that will validate your account. After that you’ll have the ability to personalize your email experience by using automations, plugins, and even a distinctive DKIM signature, too.

How to delete your Sendinblue Account?

When you choose, for whatever reason, you’re done in your SendinBlue experience You don’t need to continue using the service. Go into your “My Plan” page on your account, and click your name at the top right part of your page. Scroll down to the end of the page, and then click “Close my Account” to remove Sendinblue from your account. Sendinblue.

Are Sendinblue reliable and trustworthy?

Sendinblue is widely considered as an outstanding marketing tool for email. It’s inexpensive, simple to utilize, and offers numerous useful features. Furthermore, Sendinblue campaigns that have been tested on the internet typically have a high delivery rate.

How can you verify an account with SendinBlue? SendinBlue account?

Once you’ve signed up for an account with SendinBlue You’ll need to make sure that you activate your account. To do this, sign to your dashboard and then import the contacts you would like to contact. Complete your profile by filling in your information, and then schedule your first campaign using your list of recipients. You can change or reschedule your campaign once your account is verified.

How to use Sendinblue API?

You’ll need an Sendinblue account to access the APIs on the website. All APIs require HTTP authentication that you access via a key integrated into the API console. The SendinBlue is an REST API that has three parts.

How to use Sendinblue SMTP?

Sendinblue SMTP Sendinblue SMTP is an electronic transaction service offered via Sendinblue. To obtain an SMTP password, simply log to your Sendinblue account and click your name. Then, you can scroll down the list until come across “SMTP and API”. You can then copy the SMTP password to enable the SMTP transaction service. You’ll need access to your account in order to obtain the password, so if you have forgotten your password, ensure you know how to carry out the password reset.

Does Privy work with Sendinblue?

Privy is a solution for digital use to build subscription forms as well as landing pages and pop-ups. You can improve the quality of your Sendinblue experience by synchronizing Privy with Sendinblue. Anyone who joins the Privy campaign following that is added to the Sendinblue Contacts.

Is Sendinblue work with Outlook?

You can transfer your Outlook contacts to your Sendinblue account directly through Sendinblue. You can also use Zapier to link both your Sendinblue and Outlook experience in just a couple of clicks.

Does Shopify work with Sendinblue?

Yes! There is an official plug-in available through Shopify that works with Sendinblue. This means that you are able to connect the Shopify software with Sendinblue to enhance SMS and email campaigns by providing more information regarding your customers. It is also possible to download and download reports using both tools.

Does Square Space work with Sendinblue?

It is possible to link Sendinblue to a variety of tools and websites. The most efficient method to connect Square Space with Sendinblue is to make use of Zapier.

How do I export contacts from Sendinblue?

You can export your contact information to Sendinblue by visiting the Contacts tab of Your Sendinblue account. Locate your list of contacts that you would like to export or export all contacts from your account at once. Select the box left side of your email option , and select the Export tab. You can choose to export just once or every day.

Sendinblue Review: Is it the Best Email Marketing Software?

In terms of an email marketing platform the Sendinblue platform has seen a significant improvement lot over the years. It’s a solid alternative to other popular email platforms such as Mailchimp and AWeber as it comes with templates that are ready-made as well as a drag-and-drop editor. It’s nice to include the necessary plugins for a few of the most popular e-commerce platforms and the capability to send transactional emails as well as SMS messages.

All in all, Sendinblue is an excellent choice for the majority of eCommerce businesses. The templates are stunning and it’s easy to get started using the builder. I also love the fact that it comes with SMS tools the times when you need to increase the marketing tools you have. These are features that aren’t available from the competitors. Also, you can read my Mailchimp review to determine if it is more suitable for your needs.

You can begin your trial free of charge by heading at

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