Building Online Store

How to Create a Facebook Shop Page (Nov 2021): 5 Step Guide – Learn How to Sell on Facebook

Here’s a 5-step guide to selling on Facebook and how to set up an Facebook Shop page in the most efficient method feasible.

What are the platforms you’re currently selling your products on? One? Three? Ten? Do you know if one of them is Facebook Shop pages? Facebook Shop page? It must be. Here’s the reason selling on Facebook makes lots of sense:

“You need to learn how to sell on Facebook!” Every business both large and small are greeted with these words, but without many tips regarding how they can effectively do it effectively. The fact is that if your business has an online store, you must think about selling on other platforms such as Amazon, Facebook, and even Etsy. This will allow you to expand your reach and reach many more customers. This is because people tend to stay using these other platforms rather as opposed to your site.

In this article we’ll discuss an Facebook store in particular. This guide will show you how to create an effective Facebook Shop website in just one afternoon, and begin your way to selling your products on Facebook!

We’ll cover every step in the process, starting from a blank canvas to a functioning Shop page on Facebook. First, let’s look at:

What is the best way to make money on Facebook?

In a world of multi-platform enterprises, it’s tough to keep up with the competition when you don’t go to the areas where your customers spend the most time. It just is that Facebook is among the sites that people use the most all their time. This is the primary reason that marketing on Facebook is a great idea!

In actual fact, Facebook users spend on average 40to 45 minutes every day on the social network. A significant portion of this time is dedicated to Facebook shopping.

This is quite a lot of time when this happens every day! In addition that many of us remember our own personal memories of spending far excessively time Facebook and sharing posts on Facebook during the course of our work.

It’s the perfect time to make use of Facebook as a platform for selling! Facebook may not offer the same number of e-commerce options as, say Shopify , or BigCommerce However, you will get everything that is necessary for you to begin selling your items.

The best thing about the advantages of a Facebook Shop website is that you do not require an existing online store. You can run your entire business on Facebook If you wish to. But the advantages don’t stop there. With an account on Facebook Shop page, you can:

  • You can add unlimited products to your collection.
  • Sort your items into categories and collections
  • connect with your customers via the website directly,
  • get statistics for your visits, sales see statistics on your sales, visits, and more.
  • have your products listed on Facebook Marketplace and gain access to a greater audience of potential buyers.

The last item on this list gives you a good enough reason to investigate the entire Facebook Shop page on its all on its own!

Do I create an online store on Facebook? Facebook Store on Facebook?

Follow these steps to set up your own Facebook store:

Step 1: Visit your Facebook page and set up the Shop page.

Step 2: Set-up your shop’s details.

Step 3: Set up your payment.

Step 4:  Add product on the store on Facebook. Facebook store.

Step 5: Controlling your orders.

Step 6: You’re done!

Okay, now that everything about the “whys” out of the way, here’s how you can create your Facebook Shop’s page:

What are the things you require to create the foundation of a Facebook Shop page?

If you’re still not informed, I’ll assure that anyone can set up an Facebook Shop site and begin selling products on Facebook to their fans instantly.

Here’s what you’ll need to know prior to starting:

  • A Facebook account
  • A Facebook business page for businesses

The two items that you need to cross off your list shouldn’t be any trouble. It’s likely that you have a page for your business on Facebook therefore we’ll skip this section and instead go straight to the potato and meat:

In addition to the two requirements mentioned above Your Facebook page must be in line with the following guidelines:

  • Sell physical items . This means you’re not able to sell products that are digital or downloadable from your Facebook Shop page.
  • I agree with Facebook’s Merchant Terms and Conditions.
  • Links to valid banking account
  • Do you have a tax identification code? *

* This only applies for US-based businesses. The tax identification number will differ dependent on the location the location of your business.

If you’re sure that the above won’t pose an issue for you then you’re able to start the store on Facebook: Facebook store:

Are you in a rush? Take a look at this tutorial on how to create an effective Facebook Shop page instead of going through the manual:

Step 1: Log onto your Facebook Page and set up the Shop page.

It is the first thing to do. go through your Facebook corporate page. You must be logged to the page for your business and have admin access.

As a default, many Facebook pages for businesses already include the Shop page available when you log in. Customers don’t notice it, but you do.

In order to begin to begin, look for the Shop tab to the left, and then click it.

Are you having trouble finding that Shop button?

If you are unable to notice the tab, it’s a sign that you’re not using the correct page template in place. To create the shop on your Facebook shop, you’ll require the right template, appropriately called “Shopping.”

To alter your template To change your template, go to Settings Tabs and Templates.

Locate your current template section and then click Edit. edit button.

Then, you can use from there, you can apply the Shop template. Certain templates include the Shop tab too however, this shopping template will work for the majority of stores.

Once you have that Shop section on your page After that, click it.

Step 2: Create your shop’s information.

Check this out for stores based in the United States. The shop tab opens an informational pop-up that explains the setup you’re about to go through. It’s yours to read and then click the Start button.

Another pop-up pops up asking for your business’s details. Start by entering your company’s name and address. Next, click the next button.

The next step asks for the states where you operate and also the tax identification number. It’s possible to skip this step for the moment however, at some point you’ll be required to share with Facebook the information requested.

Following is when you’ll need to indicate the kind of products you’ll sell on Facebook.

The tax season isn’t over but we’re not done yet! The next step is that Facebook will ask you about the nature of your business as well as the information of your representative in the business This is likely to be your personal data or unless you choose to name an individual.

After that it’s time to put the challenging tasks behind you and can finish setting up the store you have created on Facebook.

The last thing to discuss are the choices for shipping, your return policies, and the customer service email. Simply select from the list of shipping options and then set the details for each.

In accordance with Facebook’s regulations according to Facebook’s rules, you have to ship the package within 3 business days of receiving your order. The buyer must get the package in no longer than ten days following the date the date they placed their order. That’s one of the reasons that makes Facebook shopping appealing to consumers. Also, you must utilize shipping services that include options such as delivery confirmation and tracking. Another important point to remember is that customers may cancel their purchase within 30 minutes of the purchase even if you haven’t labeled it as shipped.

In addition, Facebook doesn’t let you ship internationally or sell your products to countries different from the country in which the store is established in. Most of the time when a customer from a different country visits your store’s website and is presented with blank pages, like this:

One last step prior to finalizing the setup you may need to complete is signing terms and conditions of the merchant as well as policies (depends on the setup of your account and your location).

Check this out for stores that are not located in the US

Clicking the Shop tab on the sidebar will show you the Merchant Terms agreement box. To continue you must check on the checkbox next to “I agree to the Merchant Terms and Policies” and then click Proceed.

After that, you need to select the method by the order that orders are to be processed.

Important: Depending on the country you reside in it is possible that you won’t be able to see the next screen however, you will be directed straight to the page creation screen instead.

  • (a) Message to (a) Message to is the most simple way to manage orders. In this particular model according to the label that whenever someone wishes to purchase a product you’ll receive a message (inside Facebook Messenger), then you’re required to get in touch with the buyer to agree on all specifics, and then ensure that their Facebook shopping experience enjoyable.
  • (b) Check Out On Another Website is perhaps the most user-friendly option where everything is handled through an external e-commerce store setup or.

That’s it, which to choose?

The benefit of choice (a) is the fact that it doesn’t have to own an online store for you to take orders through Facebook. Every aspect of the process can be handled via Facebook Messenger where you and the customer can agree on the best way to process the order, payment method, etc.

The disadvantage is that addressing all of the messages requires quite manual and is easier to miss an order that is arriving. In addition, you do not get the benefits from having the majority of the technical work done by an e-commerce platform such as Shopify.

The benefit of choice (b) is the fact that you are able to let your customer select the item they are interested in on Facebook and be then redirected directly into your cart application to make the purchase (granted that this isn’t the only way to do Facebook purchasing, it’s it is more about directing people to your online store).

The main drawback is that you have to be a seller on an online marketplace. However, it’s not all that difficult. We will discuss the subject in this tutorial.

Short answer::

  • If you already have an online store operating using Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce or any other e-commerce platform, then choose the option (b).
  • If you don’t have an online store and you don’t have the time to set it up right immediately, you can opt for (a).

To facilitate this demonstration, I’m going to select (b).

Be aware that if you choose to go using option (a)”message to order “message to order” – the setup will remain the same with minor modifications So feel free to follow this tutorial too.

Next step involves to select the currency you want to use. There is nothing too complicated here:

After that after that, you’ll be directed to your Shop page where you are able to add your items and then set it up.


Step 3: Set up your payment methods

Depending on the country you are in for operations depending on your country of operation, the Facebook store module will provide you with a variety of options. For businesses based in the United States the most commonly used configuration involves connecting to a bank account, and then having the money (from your purchases) put into it.

In other situations – like other international locations In other cases – for locations outside of the United States Facebook may allow you to make payments using PayPal as well as Stripe.

The process of integration itself is easy, however it is subject to change from time period due to modifications made to PayPal and Stripe their respective platforms.

The best part is that you’ll be guided via Facebook’s Facebook store interface on the entire process of setting it up.

“I don’t see this section!”

In some cases you may not be able to be able to see this part of the set-up in any way – this is the case when you’re an EU-based customer such as. In this situation, you’ll skip your next section through click here.

What is next is the setup for a bank account for those who reside who reside in the US.

In this step you should be able to find a section asking you to setup the payment system to allow you to open your online shop. Select the Set up payments button to continue.

The first pop-up prompts you to enter your tax information. This is required and can’t be altered at a later time. Make sure that you have correct information regarding your business name as well as your employer identification number and your personal name. Select the Save button

The last step is connecting your bank account to pay. Enter your routing number and bank account number as well as the name of the account. Click the Save button.


Step 4. Add a product on your Facebook store

This is how your new Shop page will look like when you first design it:

You can clearly see that Facebook is encouraging you to create your very first product. You can do this by clicking the Add Product button. After you’ve done that, you’ll get the following form, however it’ll differ depending on the country you reside in:

The form appears fairly simple and has all the information you’d like to see.

  • Product photos or videos. Include at least one image that shows your item is essential. It’s more effective to upload multiple photos. If it’s pertinent to the kind of product you’re selling on Facebook You can also add videos too. Click “Add Pictures” to add images of your products. It works the same way as any other uploading tool that allows you to download images from your PC and then upload them to Facebook. Facebook store.
  • Description as well as description are fairly easy to understand. This is dependent on the kind of product you’re selling, therefore feel free to be imaginative and discuss what makes your product special. It is also possible to copy the product description that you include in your online store.
  • Price. A product’s listing cannot exist without this essential information.
  • Inventory. The process of tracking your inventory will help you understand the sales volume you’re making and ensures you’re following the rules.
  • Shipping Options. Choose from the list of shipping options that you’ve set up in the setup process and then fill out the necessary information for the specific product.
  • You can share this product on your page. It is possible to check this box to get the product featured on your page once you have a positive opinion about the product.
  • Visibility. This should be set for “Public.”

For shops in the international market

The form includes all essential information required to detail your product thoroughly.

  • Product photos or videos. Include at least one image that shows your item is essential. It’s more effective to upload multiple photos. Additionally, if the content is relevant to the type of product you’re selling on Facebook You can also include a video too. Click “Add Photos” to upload images of the product. It works the same way as any other uploading platform where you are able to grab any image you want from your desktop and add it in Facebook. Facebook store.
  • Description as well as description are fairly straightforward to explain. This is dependent on the kind of product you’re selling, so be sure to get imaginative and discuss the features that make your product special. It is also possible to duplicate the description of the product that you’ve used in your online shop.
  • Price. A product’s listing cannot exist without this vital information.
  • Checkout URL. (You’ll only be able to see this field if you choose for “check out on another website” at the beginning of the setup on the Shop website page.) This is the URL on your shop where the product can be bought. Whatever platform you choose to use, Shopify, WooCommerce, or any other software it is possible to get the link to your product by visiting the item through your web browser and by copying that URL into your address bar. Copy and paste that URL to your checkout field.
  • You can share this product on your website. You may want to tick this box to share the product on your page when you have a positive opinion about the product.
  • Visibility. Change this setting in “Public.”

After that then, your item will be displayed on your Shop page.

If a buyer clicks it, they’ll get an even more detailed view as well as a button that allows users “Check Out on Website” which will take them to the page for products on your online store.

You can add additional merchandise to your shop at any point by clicking using the “Add Products” button.

If it is logical for you it is possible to create collections of products.

Manage your products

After you’ve uploaded a certain quantity of items and you’ll be able to see all of them listed in a listing within your shop’s management panel. To access it you need to click on the Publishing Tools link at the top of the bar:

If you’re there, on the sidebar, select the Products tab. There will be a screen similar to this:

From here, you are able to modify your own products and also make new ones.

Step 5: Manage your orders

The ability to manage orders isn’t something which is available for Facebook stores around the world. It’s only available in the US as well as a few other countries.

Find out what features you can use?

Simply, visit the publishing tools on to the menu at the top:

Check for you can find the In-Pending orders link on the sidebar. If it’s visible, you have an order management system!

After clicking the link after which you’ll be able to handle your orders, look over the specifics of each as well as the buyer’s details and then communicate with them and then complete the order. Furthermore, Facebook will send you an email when an order is placed.

For your reference according to Facebook’s rules it is mandatory to ship every order within three days from receipt of the request. After the order has been shipped, click the Mark as Shipped button to complete the process.

Alternative configuration: How to sell on Facebook using your existing online store

The examples in this guide to date have been all pretty “manual” in nature, for lack of a better description. What I’m referring to is that the setting up of the Facebook store was completely up to your own. However, that shouldn’t be the case.

A few of the latest ecommerce solutions have a great integration with Facebook and will create Shop pages for you, automatically, while connecting your external e-commerce store and Facebook Shop page.

So, you’ll have the ability to handle your products and orders all in one place and also have everything synced with Facebook in a seamless way.

We’ll present two ways to achieve this making use of the most well-known e-commerce products available today: Shopify and BigCommerce.

How can you sell on Facebook through Shopify?

Shopify is an excellent e-commerce solution on its own. We’ve been discussing it on the site , and we’ve been we’ve been recommending it to everyone seeking a simple method to create with an online business.

One of Shopify’s advantages is that it lets you set up your online store through Facebook without having to go through a lot of the technical obstacles.

All you have to do is log into Your Shopify panel and then add an application named Facebook Channel to your setup.

Once you’ve installed the application it will take over your store. Shopify collects all your products and then exports the items onto Your facebook Shop page. The entire process is synchronized to ensure that you can continue managing your store through Shopify and all changes absorbed to your Facebook Shop page.

If that’s not enough Shopify provides the tools you need to sell on Facebook Messenger.

Be aware, however it is true that Shopify does not provide a innovative backdoor into Facebook’s interface to set up your Shop page. The same rules for Facebook’s regional settings and limitations remain in place. For instance If Facebook does not allow the handling of orders using the Facebook interface in your nation, then Shopify isn’t able to assist you as well. The same applies to any other restrictions.

How do you sell on Facebook through BigCommerce?

BigCommerce BigCommerce is the primary rival to Shopify and is – in many ways – an excellent alternative that offers the same variety of features, but in a different way. You’re likely to discover the solution that fits you best by using one of the two options: Shopify as well as BigCommerce.

The Facebook Shop page, BigCommerce lets you do almost exactly the same as Shopify which is connect your store effortlessly and make all your items available on Facebook.

In terms of setup, getting things up and running for you with BigCommerce is quite similar to the way it’s set up using Shopify also – you just need to install the Facebook store add-on and you’re ready to start.

BigCommerce also has a excellent module to use for Facebook Ads, giving an additional method to put your products on the market.

Visit this link to access BigCommerce and start.

Be aware, yet this time, that BigCommerce does not provide you with any innovative backdoor into Facebook’s interface to set up your Shop page. The same rules of Facebook’s regional policy and limitations remain in place. For instance in the event that Facebook does not permit handling orders using the Facebook interface in your country, then BigCommerce isn’t able to assist you as well. Similar to other restrictions. Below is the information BigCommerce declares about this in their documents.

FAQs: How to create the Facebook Shop page

We’ve had a variety of queries from readers in our comments. We’ll outline the most frequently asked questions to give readers a an easy reference for the most urgent of questions.

“What are the image requirements for product photos on a Facebook Shop page?”

It is best to read Facebook’s guidelines on listing your product because the guidelines are subject to change.

There are a lot of other aspects to consider, such as the size, formatting of images and backgrounds. As an example at the time of writing this article Facebook suggests having images of 1024 x 1024 or higher, in addition to backgrounds that are white and square images.

“Why my customers can’t purchase multiple products in one shopping cart?”

It all is dependent on your website as well as your payment processing company. Facebook does not offer its own shopping cart in certain areas, which means that transactions are directed to your online shopping site and your payment processing. However, Facebook is rolling out these functions to new countries at the moment.

“What products I can’t sell on a Facebook Shop page?”

Facebook includes an list of items that are prohibited. Some of the prohibited items are prescription drugs, weapons or weapons, alcohol, animals as well as anything that encourages discrimination.

You can also only sell physical items. This means that you cannot sell downloads or any other kind of digital goods.

“Why some people can’t see my Facebook store?”

Two possible explanations for this:

  1. Your store isn’t accessible in any other country that yours.
  2. The privacy settings for your entire page could be incorrectly set. It is a common mistake. Visit your Options of your site and ensure that your page visibility setting is on the page that has been published. In other words:

“Do I have to add my products manually?”

This is contingent on a few of variables. Let’s get the essence of it:

  • If you’ve setup your Shop’s page with an external ecommerce tool such as Shopify or BigCommerce Then everything will be automatically synchronized. It means Facebook offers instructions on how to connect your store and sync all products to your Facebook Shop site.
  • If you’ve setup your Shop page by hand, then it is necessary to add your items by hand. Also, you must update any information regarding the products (price availability, descriptions, description and descriptions, etc. ).


Over to you

That’s it! You’ve discovered about selling your products on Facebook and you’ve probably created the perfect Facebook Shop page at this point. Unfortunately, things can change frequently with Facebook therefore should you ever require assistance in performing a specific task within the Shop page, you can get the help you require at the official Facebook page on the Facebook Help Center.

If you have questions regarding the creation of your own Facebook Shop page, leave an answer in the comment section below. If you’ve been successful in setting up your Facebook store, please feel free to post a link on your page for other users to look over the strategies you’ve employed to create a unique page.

Have you just begun your journey into E-commerce and online stores? Read our detailed guide on how to begin your own online store. We walk you through the process step-by-step , and don’t leave out the most important details that could cause a problem for you.


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